To conditionally rezone the properties known as 4818, 4824, 4830, 4838, and 4850 Walmsley Boulevard from the RO-1 Residential Office District to the B-6 Mixed-Use Business District, the property known as 4870 Walmsley Boulevard from the B-2 Community Business District to the B-6 Mixed-Use Business District, and the property known as 4890 Walmsley Boulevard from the R-4 Single-Family Residential District to the B-6 Mixed-Use Business District. (9th District)
? 1. That, as shown on the survey entitled "Boundary Exhibit for Rezoning, Showing Existing Improvements to Seven Parcels of Land at the NW Corner of Walmsley Blvd. & Broad Rock Blvd., City of Richmond, Virginia," prepared by Shadrach & Associates LLC, and dated December 14, 2022, a copy of which is attached to, incorporated into, and made a part of this ordinance, the following properties, with tax parcel numbers as shown in the 2023 records of the City Assessor, are excluded from the RO-1 Residential Office District and shall no longer be
subject to the provisions of sections 30-424.1 through 30-424.8 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020), as amended, and that the same are included in the B-6 Mixed-Use Business District and shall be subject to the provisions of sections 30-444.1 through 30-444.8 and all other applicable provisions of Chapter 30 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020), as amended:
4818 Walmsley Boulevard Tax Parcel No. C008-0745/024
4824 Walmsley Boulevard Tax Parcel No. C008-0745/026
4830 Walmsley Boulevard Tax Parcel No. C008-0745/028
4838 Walmsley Boulevard Tax Parcel No. C008-0745/030
4850 Walmsley Boulevard Tax Parcel No. C008-0745/031
? 2. That, as shown on the survey entitled "Boundary Exhibit for Rezoning, Showing Existing Improvements to Seven Parcels of Land at the NW Corner of Walmsley Blvd. & Br...
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