Upcoming Meetings
NameMeeting DateicsMeeting TimeMeeting LocationMeeting DetailsMinutesAgendaAction SummaryVideoeComment
Informal Meeting 2/10/2025 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
City Council 2/10/2025 Export to iCalendar 6:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/RVACouncilFormal-02102025 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 467 215 931#.
Meeting details Not available Agenda - English/Spanish Agenda - English/Spanish Not available Not available Not available
Finance and Economic Development Standing Committee 2/12/2025 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM 2nd Floor Large Conference Room – City Hall
Special Meeting To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/Finance-Special-Meeting-Feb-12 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 265 168 708#
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Education and Human Services Standing Committee 2/13/2025 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/EHS-2-13or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 117 077 718#
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Land Use, Housing and Transportation Standing Committee 2/18/2025 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/LUHT-FEB18 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 432 341 926#.
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Informal Meeting 2/24/2025 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/RVACouncilInformal-02242025 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 805 980 183#.
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
City Council 2/24/2025 Export to iCalendar 6:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/RVACouncilFormal-02242025 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 627 065 622#.
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Public Safety Standing Committee 2/25/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor – City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/PS-FEB25 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 583 056 786#.
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Governmental Operations Standing Committee 2/26/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/GovOps-Feb-26 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID:488 923 562#
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
Organizational Development Standing Committee 3/3/2025 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://bit.ly/3ElbICn or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 874 019 211#
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available

All Meetings
NameMeeting Date icsMeeting TimeMeeting LocationMeeting DetailsMinutesAgendaAction SummaryVideoeComment
Governmental Operations Standing Committee 2/26/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/GovOps-Feb-26 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID:488 923 562#
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
Commission of Architectural Review 2/25/2025 Export to iCalendar 3:30 PM 5th Floor Conference Room of City Hall
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Public Safety Standing Committee 2/25/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor – City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/PS-FEB25 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 583 056 786#.
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
City Council 2/24/2025 Export to iCalendar 6:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/RVACouncilFormal-02242025 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 627 065 622#.
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Informal Meeting 2/24/2025 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/RVACouncilInformal-02242025 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 805 980 183#.
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
Finance and Economic Development Standing Committee 2/19/2025 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor – City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/FIN-FEB19 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 234 275 524#.
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Planning Commission 2/18/2025 Export to iCalendar 6:00 PM 5th Floor Conference Room
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams: https://tinyurl.com/Richmond-CPC-2025
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
Land Use, Housing and Transportation Standing Committee 2/18/2025 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/LUHT-FEB18 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 432 341 926#.
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Education and Human Services Standing Committee 2/13/2025 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/EHS-2-13or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 117 077 718#
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Urban Design Committee 2/13/2025 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM 5th Floor Conference Room of City Hall
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
Finance and Economic Development Standing Committee 2/12/2025 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM 2nd Floor Large Conference Room – City Hall
Special Meeting To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/Finance-Special-Meeting-Feb-12 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 265 168 708#
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
City Council 2/10/2025 Export to iCalendar 6:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: https://tinyurl.com/RVACouncilFormal-02102025 or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 467 215 931#.
Meeting details Not available Agenda - English/Spanish Agenda - English/Spanish Not available Not available Not available
Informal Meeting 2/10/2025 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Board of Zoning Appeals 2/5/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM 5th Floor Conference Room
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Governmental Operations Standing Committee 2/5/2025 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM 2nd Floor Large Conference Room - City Hall
Special Meeting
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Not available Video Video Not available
Planning Commission 2/4/2025 Export to iCalendar 6:00 PM 5th Floor Conference Room
To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams: https://tinyurl.com/Richmond-CPC-2025
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Action Summary Action Summary Video Video Not available
Organizational Development Standing Committee 2/3/2025 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
Meeting details Not available Agenda Agenda Action Summary Action Summary Video Video Not available

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