To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Deed between the City of Richmond and the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of General Services, for the purpose of conveying by quitclaim deed the City-owned right-of-way known as Bank Street from North 9th Street to North 14th Street, North 10th Street from East Main Street to Bank Street, North 12th Street from East Main to Bank Street, and Governor Street from East Main Street to Bank Street, consisting of 127,363.7± square feet, for nominal consideration to the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of General Services. (6th District)
WHEREAS, § 4-5.11 of Chapter 552 of the 2021 Acts of Assembly of Virginia, Special Session I, requires the City of Richmond to transfer ownership of those portions of the rights-of-way located in the city of Richmond identified as Bank Street from 9th Street to 14th Street, 10th Street from Main Street to Bank Street, 12th Street from Main Street to Bank Street, and Governor Street from Main Street to Bank Street to the Virginia Department of General Services by deed or other instrument;
§ 1. That, in order for the City to comply with § 4-5.11 of Chapter 552 of the 2021 Acts of Assembly of Virginia, Special Session I, the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, is hereby authorized to execute a Deed between the City of Richmond and the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of General Services, for the purpose of conveying by quitclaim deed the City-owned right-of-way known as Bank Street from North 9th Street to North 14th Street, North 10th Street from East Main Street to Bank Street, North 12th Street from East Main to Bank Street, and Governor Street from East Main Street to Bank Street, consisting of approximately 127,363.7 square feet, as shown enclosed with red lines on a drawing prepared by Austin Brockenbrough, designated as DPW Drawing No. O-28976, dated October 12, 2021, and entitled “Right-of-Way Exhibit, State Route 318,” a copy of which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance. Such Deed shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney and shall be substantially in the form of the document attached to this ordinance.
§ 2. That the City shall retain a public utility easement and an emergency access easement within the City-owned rights-of-way described in section 1 of this ordinance, as each such easement is described in the Deed approved as to form in accordance with section 1 of this ordinance.
§ 3. That, pursuant to section 8-65(b) of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020), as amended, the Chief Administrative Officer is hereby directed to execute, on behalf of the City, such other documents, all of which must first be approved as to form by the City Attorney, as may be necessary to consummate the conveyance of the City-owned rights-of-way described in section 1 of this ordinance.
§ 4. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon adoption.