To authorize the special use of the property known as 2704 Selden Street for the purpose of up to two single-family attached dwellings, upon certain terms and conditions. (7th District)
O&R Transmittal
DATE: December 13, 2023
TO: The Honorable Members of City Council
THROUGH: The Honorable Levar M. Stoney, Mayor (by request)
(This is no way reflects a recommendation on behalf of the Mayor)
THROUGH: J.E. Lincoln Saunders, Chief Administrative Officer
FROM: Kevin J. Vonck, Director of Planning & Development Review
RE: To authorize the special use of the property known as 2704 Selden Street for the purpose of up to two single-family attached dwellings, upon certain terms and conditions.
PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit to authorize two single-family attached dwellings, which use, among other things, is not currently allowed by section 30-410.1, concerning permitted principal uses, section 30-410.4, concerning lot area and width, section 30-410.5, concerning yards, of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020), as amended. A Special Use Permit is therefore required.
BACKGROUND: The property is in the Creighton neighborhood situated on a block bounded by Fairfield Avenue, N 27th Street, Selden Street, Kane Street, and N 28th Street. The property is currently a vacant 4,492 sq. ft. (0.103 acre) parcel. The City's Richmond 300 Master Plan designates a future land use for the subject property as Neighborhood Mixed-Use, which is defined as "Existing or new highly-walkable urban neighborhoods that are predominantly residential with a small, but critical, percentage of parcels providing retail, office, personal service, and institutional uses."
"Intensity: Building heights are generally two to four stories. Buildings taller than four stories may be found along major streets (see Street Typologies Map). Parcels are generally between 1,500 and 5,000 sq. ft.
Primary Uses: Single-family houses, acces...
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