To rezone the properties known as 300 Oliver Hill Way and 400 Oliver Hill Way from the M-1 Light Industrial District to the TOD-1 Transit-Oriented Nodal District, and the property known as 510 Oliver Hill Way from the M-2 Heavy Industrial District to the TOD-1 Transit-Oriented Nodal District. (6th District)
? 1. That, as shown on the survey entitled "Plat Showing the Property of Lovings Produce, LLC, Situated Along the West Line of Oliver Hill Way, North of Broad Street, City of Richmond, VA.," prepared by Engineering Design Associates, Inc., and dated May 14, 2015, a copy of which is attached to, incorporated into, and made a part of this ordinance, the following properties, with Tax Parcel Numbers as shown in the 2021 records of the City Assessor, are excluded from the M-1 Light Industrial District and shall no longer be subject to the provisions of sections 30-452.1 through 30-452.4 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020), as amended, and that the same are included in the TOD-1 Transit-Oriented Nodal District and shall be subject to the provisions of sections 30-457.1 through 30-457.10 and all other applicable provisions of Chapter 30 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015), as amended:
300 Oliver Hill Way Tax Parcel No. E000-0213/001
400 Oliver Hill Way Tax Parcel No. E000-0213/005
? 2. That, as shown on the survey entitled "Plat Showing the Property of Lovings Produce, LLC, Situated Along the West Line of Oliver Hill Way, North of Broad Street, City of Richmond, VA.," prepared by Engineering Design Associates, Inc., and dated May 14, 2015, a copy of which is attached to, incorporated into, and made a part of this ordinance, the property known as 510 Oliver Hill Way, with Tax Parcel No. E000-0245/007 as shown in the 2021 records of the City Assessor, is excluded from the M-2 Heavy Industrial District and shall no longer be subject to the provisions of sections 30-454.1 through 30-454.6 of...
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