To name an unnamed east-west alley located in the block bounded by North Allen Avenue, Hanover Avenue, North Vine Street, and Grove Avenue as “Trouvaille Alley.”
WHEREAS, using the procedure set forth in sections 8-7 through 8-10 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015), as amended, as required by subsection (f) of section 3 of Ordinance No. 2018-190, adopted July 23, 2018, a representative of the owners of the property known as 1715 Rear Hanover Avenue and identified as Tax Parcel No. W000-0732-037 in the 2018 records of the City Assessor requested that a certain east-west alley located in the block bounded by North Allen Avenue, Hanover Avenue, North Vine Street, and Grove Avenue and shown enclosed with bold lines on a drawing prepared by the Department of Public Works, designated as DPW Drawing No. N-28840, dated August 23, 2018, and entitled “Proposed Naming of a Public Alley in the Block Bounded by N Allen Ave, Hanover Ave, N Vine St and Grove Ave to ‘Trouvaille Alley’,” be named “Trouvaille Alley;” and
WHEREAS, the Council believes that it is in the best interests of the citizens of the City of Richmond, and particularly those that reside in the area around the aforementioned unnamed alley, that such alley be named “Trouvaille Alley;”
§ 1. That, in accordance with the provisions of 8-7 through 8-10 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015), as amended, the east-west alley located in the block bounded by North Allen, Avenue, Hanover Avenue, North Vine Street, and Grove Avenue and shown enclosed with bold lines on a drawing prepared by the Department of Public Works, designated as DPW Drawing No. N-28840, dated August 23, 2018, and entitled “Proposed Naming of a Public Alley in the Block Bounded by N Allen Ave, Hanover Ave, N Vine St and Grove Ave to ‘Trouvaille Alley’,” be named “Trouvaille Alley,” a copy of which is attached to and incorporated into this ordinance, be and is hereby named and designated as “Trouvaille Alley.”
§ 2. That, in order to effectuate the provisions of section 1 of this ordinance, the Chief Administrative Officer shall do the following:
(a) Cause the appropriate City agency to prepare and erect signs appropriately marking “Trouvaille Alley.”
(b) Make reasonable efforts to notify all residents and businesses that abut, are located in the immediate area of, or who may frequent the alley to be named of the naming.
(c) Notify those who requested the naming as well as appropriate offices, departments and agencies of the naming.
(d) Request that the City Assessor, the General Registrar and the Departments of Planning and Development Review, Fire and Emergency Services, Police, Public Utilities and Public Works note such naming and designation in the records maintained by each.
§ 3. That such naming, and the actions requested of the Chief Administrative Officer to give such naming effect, shall be conditioned on the completion of the following to the Chief Administrative Officer’s satisfaction:
(a) The applicant shall furnish the Chief Administrative Officer with sufficient funds to cover the costs of the naming, including, but by no means limited to, the preparation and erection of appropriate signs and the mailing of notices.
(b) The applicant shall furnish all abutting landowners with written notice of the naming.
(c) The applicant shall fulfill any other applicable requirements set forth in sections 8-7 through 8-10 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015), as amended.
(d) Should any condition of this section 3 not be met within twelve months of the date on which the Council adopts this ordinance, this ordinance shall be null and void and of no further effect.
§ 4. That the satisfaction of the conditions set forth in section 3 of this ordinance and the performance of the actions required by section 2 of this ordinance shall be deemed to fulfill the requirements of subsection (f) of section 3 of Ordinance No. 2018-190, adopted July 23, 2018.
§ 5. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon adoption.