File #:
ORD. 2018-097
On agenda:
Final action:
To cancel all authorized but unissued notes authorized by the City of Richmond in Fiscal Year 2015-2016, to authorize the issuance of general obligation equipment notes of the City of Richmond in the maximum principal amount of $2,457,600 to finance the cost of equipment for the following purposes and uses: acquisition of computer, radio, office, solid waste collection, office furniture and miscellaneous equipment and vehicles for the various departments, bureaus and agencies of the City, and equipment for City schools; and to authorize the Director of Finance, with the approval of the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City, to sell equipment notes to finance the acquisition of such equipment, and to authorize the issuance of taxable notes, for the same purposes and uses, in the same maximum principal amount and payable over the same period as such general obligation equipment notes.
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To cancel all authorized but unissued notes authorized by the City of Richmond in Fiscal Year 2015-2016, to authorize the issuance of general obligation equipment notes of the City of Richmond in the maximum principal amount of $2,457,600 to finance the cost of equipment for the following purposes and uses: acquisition of computer, radio, office, solid waste collection, office furniture and miscellaneous equipment and vehicles for the various departments, bureaus and agencies of the City, and equipment for City schools; and to authorize the Director of Finance, with the approval of the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City, to sell equipment notes to finance the acquisition of such equipment, and to authorize the issuance of taxable notes, for the same purposes and uses, in the same maximum principal amount and payable over the same period as such general obligation equipment notes.