To authorize the special use of the property known as 10 West Leigh Street for the purpose of permitting a multifamily dwelling with up to 14 dwelling units, upon certain terms and conditions.
O & R Request
DATE: December 20, 2017 EDITION:|910|
TO: The Honorable Members of City Council
THROUGH: The Honorable Levar M. Stoney, Mayor
(This is no way reflects a recommendation on behalf of the Mayor.)
THROUGH: Selena Cuffee-Glenn, Chief Administrative Officer
THROUGH: Peter L. Downey, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Economic Development and Planning
FROM: Mark A. Olinger, Director, Department of Planning and Development Review
RE: To authorize the special use of the property known as 10 West Leigh Street for the purpose of permitting the use of an existing building for multifamily apartments, upon certain terms and conditions.
PURPOSE: To authorize the special use of the property known as 10 West Leigh Street for the purpose of permitting the use of an existing building for multifamily apartments, upon certain terms and conditions.
REASON: The applicant is proposing to redevelop a three-story, multi-family building containing 14 dwelling units. The property is currently located in the R-63 Multi-Family Urban Residential District the proposed use is permitted, however it exceeds the permitted number of dwelling units. A special use permit has therefore been requested by the applicant.
RECOMMENDATION: In accordance with the requirements of the City Charter and the Zoning Ordinance, the City Planning Commission will review this request and make a recommendation to City Council. This item will be scheduled for consideration by the Commission at its February 5, 2018, meeting. A letter outlining the Commission's recommendation will be forwarded to City Council following that meeting.
BACKGROUND: The subject property consists of a 5,412 SF or .12 acre parcel of land improved with an existing three (3) story, 14...
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