PDRPRES 2021.083
| 1 | 1. | | PDR Presentation | Public Access and Participation Instructions - Planning Commission
1-19-2021 | | |
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| 1 | 2. | | City Planning Commission Resolution | Resolution of Appreciation - Richmond 300 Advisory Council | | |
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ORD. 2021-003
| 1 | 3. | | Ordinance | To amend Ord. No. 2020-049, adopted May 11, 2020, which adopted the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 General Fund Budget and made appropriations pursuant thereto, by re-appropriating a $500,000.00 portion of the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 fund balance excess, assigned to the Capital Reserve, to the General Fund Cash Transfer for Capital Projects program, and to appropriate these transferred funds to the Capital Improvements Projects for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 and to amend the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Capital Budget by appropriating such transferred funds in the amount of $500,000.00 to the Department of Public Works’ City Hall project in the City Facility Maintenance & Improvements category for the purpose of constructing improvements to the southwest quadrant of City Hall necessary to house either an employee health clinic or a relocated credit union office, or both. | | |
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ORD. 2021-004
| 1 | 4. | | Ordinance | To direct the sale of the City-owned real estate known as 809 West 44th Street, 811 Rear West 44th Street, and 4306 Rear Reedy Avenue for $8,000.00 to Lelia Pendleton and Stuart Halloran. | | |
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ORD. 2021-005
| 1 | 5. | | Ordinance | To declare a public necessity for the acquisition and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to accept the dedication as public right-of-way of a portion of the properties known as 1801 Richmond Highway and 1805 Richmond Highway, consisting of 524.89± square feet, from TRC Jefferson Davis, LLC; to accept a donation from TRC Jefferson Davis, LLC, of certain services and materials valued at $20,000.00 for the reconstruction, paving, and future maintenance of a certain City-owned alley located between Webber Avenue and Royal Avenue; and to execute a Right-of-Entry Agreement between the City of Richmond and TRC Jefferson Davis, LLC for the purpose of facilitating the development of the property known as 1801 Richmond Highway by TRC Jefferson Davis, LLC, and providing for the expansion of a certain City-owned alley located between Webber Avenue and Royal Avenue. | | |
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UDC 2021-01
| 1 | 6. | | Location, Character and Extent Item | Final location, character and extent review of Powhatan Hill Community Center Addition and Site Improvements; 5051 Northampton Street. | | |
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UDC 2021-02
| 1 | 7. | | Location, Character and Extent Item | Final location, character, and extent review of a new RPS Monument Sign; 3501 Belt Boulevard. | | |
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PDRPRES 2021.079
| 1 | 8. | | PDR Presentation | Presentation: An Analysis of CIP for Existing Facilities and Fleet | | |
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