| 1 | | | Council Document | June 25, 2018 Awards and Recognitions Ceremony Docket | | |
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| 1 | | | Council Document | June 11, 2018 Citizen Comment Period Speakers List | | |
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| 1 | | | Council Document | May 29, 2018 Informal Meeting Minutes | | |
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| 1 | | | Council Document | May 29, 2018 Formal Meeting Minutes | | |
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| 1 | | | Council Document | June 4, 2018 Special Meeting Minutes | | |
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| 1 | | | Council Document | June 11, 2018 Introduction Papers List
| | |
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ORD. 2017-242
| 1 | 1. | | Ordinance | To amend Ord. No. 2000-410-2001-10, adopted Jan. 8, 2001, as previously amended by Ord. No. 2001-220-231, adopted Jul. 23, 2001, which approved the “Shops at Stratford Hills Community Unit Plan,” for the purpose of [increasing the area subject to the community unit plan by 3.4 acres to 67.9± acres and] modifying the development standards, under certain terms and conditions. (As Amended) | continued | |
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Not available
ORD. 2018-044
| 1 | 2. | | Ordinance | To amend ch. 2, art. V of the City Code by adding therein a new div. 18 (§§ 2-1167-2-1172) and to amend ch. 17, art. I of the City Code by adding therein new §§ 17-1-17-3 for the purpose of establishing a Human Rights Commission and prohibiting certain discriminatory practices. (As Amended) | adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2018-118
| 1 | 3. | | Ordinance | To declare that a public necessity exists and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or the designee thereof, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to acquire, at a tax delinquent judicial sale, the property located at 2822 Purcell Street and to authorize the conveyance of such property for $11,310.39 to the [Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority] Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School for the purposes of eliminating blight and making such property available for redevelopment. (As Amended) | adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2018-119
| 1 | 4. | | Ordinance | To declare that a public necessity exists and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or the designee thereof, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to acquire, at a tax delinquent judicial sale, the property located at 2820 Purcell Street and to authorize the conveyance of such property for $11,455.00 to the [Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority] Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School for the purposes of eliminating blight and making such property available for redevelopment. (As Amended) | adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2018-120
| 1 | 5. | | Ordinance | To declare that a public necessity exists and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or the designee thereof, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to acquire, at a tax delinquent judicial sale, the property located at 2807 Newbourne Street and to authorize the conveyance of such property for $17,009.89 to the [Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority] Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School for the purposes of eliminating blight and making such property available for redevelopment. (As Amended) | adopted | Pass |
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ORD. 2018-121
| 1 | 6. | | Ordinance | To declare that a public necessity exists and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or the designee thereof, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to acquire, at a tax delinquent judicial sale, the property located at 2112 North 29th Street and to authorize the conveyance of such properties for $20,476.63 to the [Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority] Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School for the purposes of eliminating blight and making such property available for redevelopment. (As Amended) | adopted | Pass |
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ORD. 2018-122
| 1 | 7. | | Ordinance | To declare that a public necessity exists and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or the designee thereof, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to acquire, at a tax delinquent judicial sale, the property located at 2110 North 29th Street and to authorize the conveyance of such property for $21,869.60 to the [Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority] Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School for the purposes of eliminating blight and making such property available for redevelopment. (As Amended) | adopted | Pass |
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ORD. 2018-123
| 1 | 8. | | Ordinance | To declare that a public necessity exists and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or the designee thereof, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to acquire, at a tax delinquent judicial sale, the property located at 2106 North 29th Street and to authorize the conveyance of such property for $30,434.10 to the [Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority] Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School for the purposes of eliminating blight and making such property available for redevelopment. (As Amended) | adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2018-124
| 1 | 9. | | Ordinance | To declare that a public necessity exists and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or the designee thereof, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to acquire, at a tax delinquent judicial sale, the property located at 2100 North 29th Street and to authorize the conveyance of such property for $10,461.71 to the [Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority] Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School for the purposes of eliminating blight and making such property available for redevelopment. (As Amended) | adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2018-125
| 1 | 10. | | Ordinance | To declare that a public necessity exists and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or the designee thereof, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to acquire, at a tax delinquent judicial sale, the property located at 2000 North 29th Street and to authorize the conveyance of such property for $22,250.16 to the [Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority] Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School for the purposes of eliminating blight and making such property available for redevelopment. (As Amended) | adopted | Pass |
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ORD. 2018-156
| 1 | 11. | | Ordinance | To amend Ord. No. 2017-139, adopted Jul. 24, 2017, which authorized the Chief Administrative Officer to submit a Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as an application for the receipt of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) funds, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds; accepted funds from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the total amount of $6,405,321.00; and appropriated $7,148,848.00 for various projects, for the purposes of re-appropriating unexpended funds, appropriating additional funds in the total amount of $1,075,466.00, and reallocating funds for various projects. | adopted | Pass |
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RES. 2018-R046
| 1 | 12. | | Resolution | To appoint Louis G. Lassiter as the Interim Inspector General. | adopted | Pass |
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Not available
RES. 2018-R047
| 1 | 13. | | Resolution | To approve the City of Richmond Plan of Services under the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act. | adopted | Pass |
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Not available
RES. 2018-R048
| 1 | 14. | | Resolution | To approve an expenditure in the amount of $425.00 from the Council District Funds for the Eighth District to pay Sal’s Pizza, Inc., for providing 50 pizzas served to attendees of the Eighth District Community Meeting held on Apr. 19, 2018. | adopted | Pass |
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Not available
RES. 2018-R049
| 1 | 15. | | Resolution | To approve an expenditure in the amount of $299.89 from the Council District Funds for the First District to pay Feast Catering & Events LLC for providing catering services at the First District Thomas Jefferson High School Teacher Appreciation Week breakfast held on May 10, 2018. | adopted | Pass |
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Not available
RES. 2018-R050
| 1 | 16. | | Resolution | To approve an expenditure in the amount of $2,000.00 from the Council District Funds for the Second District to make a donation to Neighborhood Housing Services of Richmond, Inc., to assist with the costs of its School Anti-Bullying and Stop the Violence Movement event to be held on Jun. 2, 2018. | adopted | Pass |
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Not available
ORD. 2018-101
| 1 | 17. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a First Amendment to Stone Brewery Cooperation Agreement, as Amended, dated March 2, 2015, as amended, between the City of Richmond and the Economic Development Authority of the City of Richmond for the purpose of revising the definition of “Phase 2 Facility” to allow for the demolition of an existing structure and construction of a new building. (As Amended) | continued | |
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ORD. 2018-110
| 1 | 18. | | Ordinance | To amend City Code § 2-1183, concerning the residency requirement for certain officers and employees, to modify the City’s residency requirement [so that it applies only to the Chief Administrative Officer, the Chief of Fire and Emergency Services, and the Chief of Police]. (As Amended) | amended and continued | |
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ORD. 2018-126
| 1 | 19. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a First Amendment to Stone Brewing Company Performance Agreement, Dated November 14, 2014, as amended, between the City of Richmond, Virginia, Stone Brewing Co., LLC, and the Economic Development Authority of the City of Richmond, Virginia for the purpose of revising the definitions of “Existing Building” and “Phase II” to allow the demolition of an existing structure and the construction of a new building. (As Amended) | continued | |
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RES. 2018-R051
| 1 | 20. | | Resolution | To approve an expenditure in the amount of $75.00 from the Council District Funds for the Eighth District to reimburse Reva M. Trammell for a payment of $75.00 to Jerry C. Blow for providing sound system services for the Eighth District Community Meeting on June 21, 2018. | adopted | Pass |
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RES. 2018-R052
| 1 | 21. | | Resolution | To approve an expenditure in the amount of $105.70 from the Council District Funds for the Eighth District to reimburse Richard K. Bishop, Jr., for a payment of $105.70 to Costco Wholesale Corporation for snack food items served at the Eighth District Community Meeting on May 17, 2018. | adopted | Pass |
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ORD. 2018-169
| 1 | 22. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to accept grant funds in the amount of $500.00 from the Petco Foundation, and to appropriate the increase to the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Special Fund Budget by increasing estimated revenues and the amount appropriated to the Department of Fire and Emergency Services by $500.00 for the purpose of providing canine and handler training and supplies for accelerant detection recertification. | introduced and referred | |
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ORD. 2018-170
| 1 | 23. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to accept grant funds in the amount of $138,186.00 from the Virginia Department of Social Services, and to appropriate the increase to the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Special Fund Budget by increasing estimated revenues and the amount appropriated to the Office of the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Human Services’ Richmond AmeriCorps Program special fund by $138,186.00 for the purpose of expanding opioid and prescription drug abuse prevention and recovery services. | introduced and referred | |
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ORD. 2018-171
| 1 | 24. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to accept funds in the amount of $279,978.00 from the Greater Richmond Transit Co.; to amend the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Special Fund Budget by creating a new special fund for the Department of Economic and Community Development called the Pulse BRT Business Support Special Fund; and to appropriate the funds received to the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Special Fund Budget by increasing estimated revenues and the amount appropriated to the new Department of Economic and Community Development’s Pulse BRT Business Support Special Fund by $279,978.00 for the purpose of assisting businesses within areas directly affected by the prolonged construction of the Pulse BRT by providing parking- and beautification-related programs. | introduced and referred | |
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Not available
ORD. 2018-172
| 1 | 25. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to accept $890,776.00 from the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation and to appropriate the increase to the Fiscal Year [2017-2018] 2018-2019 Capital Budget by increasing estimated revenues and the amount appropriated to the Department of Economic and Community Development’s Main Street Station Multi-Modal Transportation Center project in the Economic and Community Development category by $890,776.00 for the purpose of funding the Main Street Station Phase 3 development. (As Amended) | introduced and referred | |
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ORD. 2018-173
| 1 | 26. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to accept $5,526,936 from the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration and to appropriate the increase to the Fiscal Year [2017-2018] 2018-2019 Capital Budget by increasing estimated revenues and the amount appropriated to the Department of Economic and Community Development’s Main Street Station Multi-Modal Transportation Center project in the Economic and Community Development category by $5,526,936 for the purpose of funding the Main Street Station Phase 3 development. (As Amended) | introduced and referred | |
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ORD. 2018-174
| 1 | 27. | | Ordinance | To amend Ord. No. 2017-036, adopted May 15, 2017, which adopted the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 General Fund Budget and made appropriations pursuant thereto, by transferring and re-appropriating the amount of $110,000.00 from the Sheriff-Jail Operations program to the Sheriff-Jail Administration & Human Services program for the purpose of ensuring appropriations properly reflect the assignment of personnel and procurement of goods and services within the Sheriff’s Office. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2018-175
| 1 | 28. | | Ordinance | To amend Ord. No. 2017-036, adopted May 15, 2017, which adopted the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 General Fund Budget and made appropriations pursuant thereto, by transferring and re-appropriating the amount of $130,000.00 from the PDR-Prop. Maintenance Code Enforcement program to the PDR-Land Use Administration and PDR-Zoning Administration programs for the purpose of ensuring appropriations properly reflect the assignment of personnel and procurement of goods and services within the Department of Planning and Development Review. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2018-176
| 1 | 29. | | Ordinance | To amend Ord. No. 2017-036, adopted May 15, 2017, which adopted the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 General Fund Budget and made appropriations pursuant thereto, by transferring and re-appropriating the total amount of $1,325,280.00 from the Fire-Office of Fire Chief, Fire-Fire Administration, Fire-Fire Prevention, Fire-Office of Emergency Management, and Fire-Emergency Medical Services/Safety programs to the Fire-Fire Operations, Fire-Fire Training, and Fire-Logistics programs for the purpose of ensuring appropriations properly reflect the assignment of personnel and procurement of goods and services within the Department of Fire and Emergency Services. | introduced and referred | |
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Not available
ORD. 2018-177
| 1 | 30. | | Ordinance | To designate the 3100 block of Hawthorne Avenue in honor of Clarence Lee Townes, Jr. | introduced and referred | |
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Not available
ORD. 2018-178
| 1 | 31. | | Ordinance | To designate the 2200 block of Bainbridge Street in honor of Percy J. Minor, Sr. | introduced and referred | |
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Not available
ORD. 2018-179
| 1 | 32. | | Ordinance | To amend City Code §§ 2-298, concerning the functions of the Department of Economic Development; 2-300, concerning the appointment, powers, and duties of the Director of Economic Development; 8-1, concerning reports and recommendations on the acquisition of real estate; 8-2, concerning the authority of the Chief Administrative Officer to lease City-owned real estate; and 8-55, concerning the role of the Chief Administrative Officer in the sale of City-owned real estate, for the purpose of setting forth the role of the Director of Economic Development in providing certain City real estate services. | introduced and referred | |
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RES. 2018-R053
| 1 | 33. | | Resolution | To approve expenditures in the total amount of $287.58 from the Council District Funds for the Eighth District to reimburse Reva M. Trammell for a payment of $5.10 to 7-Eleven, Inc., for ice provided for attendees at the Eighth District Community Meeting on May 17, 2018; a payment of $22.11 to Dollar Tree Stores, Inc., for the cost of gift bags given to attendees at the Eighth District Community Meeting on May 17, 2018; a payment of $42.69 to Sam’s East, Inc., doing business as Sam’s Club, for the cost of water and beverages for attendees at the Eighth District Community Meeting on May 17, 2018; a payment of $75.00 to Jerry C. Blow for providing sound system services for the Eighth District Community Meeting on May 17, 2018; a payment of $100.00 to Kathy Thompson for photographing the Eighth District Community Meeting on May 17, 2018; and a payment of $42.68 to Sam’s East, Inc., doing business as Sam’s Club, for water and beverages for attendees at the Eighth District Community Meeting on June 21, 2018. | introduced and referred | |
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Not available
RES. 2018-R054
| 1 | 34. | | Resolution | To approve expenditures in the total amount of $296.59 from the Council District Funds for the Seventh District to pay Sue Kitchen, Inc., doing business as Padow’s City Hall Deli, for food and beverages for attendees at the Seventh District Community Meetings on May 12, 2018, and May 30, 2018. | introduced and referred | |
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RES. 2018-R055
| 1 | 35. | | Resolution | To approve an expenditure in the amount of $425.00 from the Council District Funds for the Eighth District to pay Sal’s Pizza, Inc., for providing 50 pizzas served to attendees at the Eighth District Community Meeting on May 17, 2018. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available
RES. 2018-R056
| 1 | 36. | | Resolution | To approve an expenditure in the amount of $425.00 from the Council District Funds for the Eighth District to pay Sal’s Pizza, Inc., for providing 50 pizzas served to attendees at the Eighth District Community Meeting on Jun. 21, 2018. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available
RES. 2018-R057
| 1 | 37. | | Resolution | To approve an expenditure in the amount of $525.00 from the Council District Funds for the Sixth District to pay Mark Fish Fry & Catering LLC for providing catering services for attendees at the Sixth District Meeting to be held at 1611 4th Ave. on Jul. 3, 2018. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available
RES. 2018-R058
| 1 | 38. | | Resolution | To approve an expenditure in the amount of $600.00 from the Council District Funds for the Seventh District to make a donation to the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority to assist with the costs of tenants council-sponsored community programs in Creighton Court, Fairfield Court, and Mosby Court for summer, 2018. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available
RES. 2018-R059
| 1 | 39. | | Resolution | To express the City Council’s support for and request the Commonwealth Transportation Board to provide funding for the City’s SMART SCALE candidate projects for 2018. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available
RES. 2018-R060
| 1 | 40. | | Resolution | To adopt, pursuant to City Code § 21-44, procedures for utilizing construction management or design-build contracts. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2018-180
| 1 | 41. | | Ordinance | To close, to public use and travel, a portion of Railroad Avenue located between West 13th Street and West 14th Street, a portion of the west side of West 13th Street located between Riverview Parkway and Railroad Avenue, and a portion of the south side of Riverview Parkway near West 14th Street Extended, together consisting of 13,198± square feet, upon certain terms and conditions, and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to accept a dedication of right-of-way improvements and property, consisting of 11,510± square feet, in connection with the closing of such portion of Railroad Avenue. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2018-181
| 1 | 42. | | Ordinance | To amend and reordain City Code § 30-930.5 to modify the White House of the Confederacy Old and Historic District (1201 East Clay Street). | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2018-182
| 1 | 43. | | Ordinance | To rezone the properties known as 4910, 4920, and 4930 Forest Hill Avenue from the B-2 Community Business District and the POD-1 Plan of Development Overlay District to the UB-2 Urban Business District. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2018-183
| 1 | 44. | | Ordinance | To amend and reordain Ord. No. 84-77-67, adopted Apr. 24, 1984, which authorized the use of the property known as 5901 Patterson Avenue and 804 Maple Avenue for the purpose of medical office use, to authorize the use of the property for office and personal service uses, upon certain terms and conditions. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2018-184
| 1 | 45. | | Ordinance | To authorize the conditional use of the property known as 939 Myers Street for the purpose of authorizing a nightclub, upon certain terms and conditions. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
Not available