Meeting Name: Commission of Architectural Review Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/25/2014 3:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 5th Floor Conference Room of City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Action Summary Action Summary Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID 14-059 1  ReportOctober 28, 2014 Meeting MinutesapprovedPass Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-127 11 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2306 E. Marshall Street - Replace porch decking with composite materialapproved  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-143 12 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness401 W. Marshall Street - Replace non-primary elevation with Hardiplank sidingapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-126 13 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2035 Monument Avenue - Enclose rear porch, remove rear spotlight and conduit, replicate missing downspout scupperapproved  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-128 14 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness7 E. Broad Street - Rehabilitate building exteriorapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-129 15 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2209 Monument Avenue - Demolish non-historic addition, add exterior door, and relocate front east gateapproved  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-130 16 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness119 E. Leigh Street - Restore storefront elevations and construct new infill portionapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-134 17 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness3412 E. Broad Street - Construct rear deck and balconyapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-136 18 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness403 N. Allen Avenue - Replace asphalt shingles to match color of surviving historic clay tileapproved  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-120 110 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness21 W. Clay Street - Replace 6/6 wood windows with 6/6 vinyl windowswithdrawn  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-124 111 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2307 E. Clay Street - Construct new single-family residencedeferredPass Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-131 112 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness3404 E. Broad Street - Construct new single-family residencedeferredPass Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-137 114 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2610 E. Grace Street - Demolish non-historic rear addition, rehabilitate front and rear porchesapproved with conditionsPass Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-138 115 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2025 Venable Street - Replace frame rear addition with new constructionapproved with conditionsPass Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-139 116 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness535 W. Broad Street - Construct new commercial building and parking areaapprovedPass Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-132 118 Conceptual Review1914 E. Franklin Street - Construct new multi-family developmentpresented  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-135 119 Conceptual Review3000-3006 E. Franklin Street - Construct three attached townhousespresented  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-118 19 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2109-2111 M Street - Construct two new single-family residencesapproved with conditionsPass Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-141 117 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2912 E. Leigh Street - Construct new single-family residenceapproved with conditionsPass Action details Not available
CAR No. 2014-133 113 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2818 E. Marshall Street - Restore facade, construct rear deck and balconydeferredPass Action details Not available