ORD. 2024-047
| 1 | 1. | | Ordinance | To amend City Code § 2-744, concerning the duty of the Mayor to submit reports on City’s comprehensive poverty reduction initiative, for the purpose of modifying reporting requirements. | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2024-054
| 1 | 2. | | Ordinance | To amend City Code § 2-850 for the purpose of revising the membership composition of the Future of Workforce Commission to include representatives from businesses located without the corporate City limits that serve the residents of the city of Richmond. | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available
RES. 2024-R008
| 1 | 3. | | Resolution | To express support for the City’s acquisition, designation, and establishment of a portion of the property located at 405 West 6th Street and commonly known as Manchester Green as an official City park.
(6th District) | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available