| 1 | | | Council Document | October 22, 2024 - Land Use, Housing and Transportation Standing Committee Meeting Minutes | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Council Document | November 19, 2024 - Diamond District Project Update | | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2024-257
| 1 | 1. | | Ordinance | To designate the 100 block of West Leigh Street in honor of William Isaac Johnson, Sr. (2nd District) | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2024-288
| 1 | 2. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Standard Project Administration Agreement between the City of Richmond and the Virginia Department of Transportation for the purpose of providing funding for the installation of 252 high visibility signal backplates at approximately 32 signal controlled intersections and 54 left turn flashing yellow arrow signal heads at approximately 24 signal controlled intersections. | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2024-289
| 1 | 3. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Standard Project Administration Agreement between the City of Richmond and the Virginia Department of Transportation for the purpose of providing funding for the installation of left turn hardening measures at approximately 30 stop controlled intersections and 36 raised crossings at unsignalized intersections with stationed school crossing guards. | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2024-290
| 1 | 4. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Standard Project Administration Agreement between the City of Richmond and the Virginia Department of Transportation for the purpose of providing funding for the installation of various regulatory and warning signs and pavement markings at stop controlled intersections. | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2024-291
| 1 | 5. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Franchise Agreement between the City of Richmond and the Greater Richmond Transit Co. for the purpose of displaying advertisements on Greater Richmond Transit Co. bus stops and bus rapid transit system stations. | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available
RES. 2024-R037
| 1 | 6. | | Resolution | To name the alley located in the block bounded by Russell Street, Carrington Street, North 25th Street, and Venable Street as “Union Grace Alley.” (7th District) | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2024-292
| 1 | 7. | | Ordinance | To amend Ord. No. 2022-172, adopted Jun. 27, 2022, which authorized the Chief Administrative Officer to submit a PY 2022 / FY 2023 Annual Action Plan to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as an application for the receipt of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) funds, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds; accepted funds from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the total amount of $8,826,296.00; and appropriated $8,826,296.00 for various projects, for the purpose of changing the subrecipient of HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) funds from the Better Housing Coalition to Cameo Street LLC. | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available
RES. 2024-R036
| 1 | 8. | | Resolution | To designate the property known as 250 East German School Road as a revitalization area pursuant to Va. Code § 36-55.30:2. (9th District) | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2024-293
| 1 | 9. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Lease Agreement between the City of Richmond, as landlord, and the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority, as tenant, for the purpose of leasing office space and a computer laboratory located at 436 Calhoun Street, commonly known as the “Calhoun Family Investment Center.” (3rd District) | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available
ORD. 2024-294
| 1 | 10. | | Ordinance | To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Lease Agreement between the City of Richmond, as lessor, and Cancer Retreat Centers, Inc., as lessee, for the purpose of allowing Cancer Retreat Centers, Inc. to lease the first floor of Blanton House located at 700 Blanton Avenue. (5th District) | recommended for approval | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Council Document | November 19, 2024 - Land Use, Housing and Transportation Board Vacancy Report | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Council Document | November 19, 2024 - Land Use, Housing and Transportation Standing Committee Staff Report | | |
Action details
Not available