Meeting Name: Planning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/20/2023 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 5th Floor Conference Room
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Action Summary Action Summary Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
PDRMIN 2023.016 11. PDR MinutesCPC DRAFT Minutes - June 5, 2023adoptedFail Action details Video Video
ORD. 2023-108 12. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 910 Parrish Street for the purpose of two single-family detached dwellings, upon certain terms and conditions. (1st District)recommended for continuance Pass Action details Video Video
PDRPRES 2023.039 13. PDR PresentationDraft Jackson Ward Community PlanreceivedPass Action details Video Video
ORD. 2023-173 14. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 701 East Cary Street for the purpose of a clean energy park with electric vehicle charging stations, upon certain terms and conditions. (6th District)forwarded with no recommendation  Action details Video Video
ORD. 2023-174 15. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 3601 Seminary Avenue for the purpose of a day nursery, for up to 64 children, within a church, upon certain terms and conditions. (3rd District)recommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2023-175 16. OrdinanceTo rezone the properties known as 500 Commerce Road and 520 Commerce Road from the M-2 Heavy Industrial District to the TOD-1 Transit-Oriented Nodal District. (6th District)recommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2023-176 17. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 1213 Porter Street for the purpose of a church, or other place of worship, and a multifamily dwelling, upon certain terms and conditions. (6th District)recommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
UDC 2023-09 18. Location, Character and Extent ItemUDC 2023-09 FINAL Location, Character, and Extent to renovate a portion of the Canal Walk to better facilitate bike access located nearest to 211 S 14th Street.approvedPass Action details Not available
UDC 2023-10 19. Location, Character and Extent ItemUDC 2023-10 FINAL Location, Character, and Extent review of the new TB Smith Community Center; 2015 Ruffin Road. approvedPass Action details Not available
UDC 2023-11 110. Location, Character and Extent ItemUDC 2023-11 FINAL Location, Character, and Extent review of a new community center located at Luck's Field; 1925 U Street. approvedPass Action details Not available
UDC 2023-12 111. Location, Character and Extent ItemUDC 2023-12 FINAL Location, Character, and Extent review to expand and enhance green space at Hotchkiss Park, located at 715 E Brookland Park Boulevard. approvedPass Action details Not available
SUBD 2023.006 112. Tentative SubdivisionSubdivision Exception for 707 North 31st Street, per Sec. 25-9(2) of the Subdivision Ordinance.approvedPass Action details Not available
SUBD 2023.007 113. Tentative SubdivisionSubdivision Exception for 909 N. 29th Street, per Sec. 25-9(2) of the Subdivision Ordinance.approvedPass Action details Not available
PAC 2023 - 004 114. Section 17.05 ReviewShockoe Hill African Burying Ground MuralapprovedPass Action details Not available
PAC2023 - 020 215. Section 17.05 ReviewHotchkiss Roller Rink MuralapprovedPass Action details Not available
PAC2023 - 022 116. Section 17.05 ReviewPAC Staff Report: Greening Greater Fulton Gifts of ArtapprovedPass Action details Not available
PAC2023 - 023 117. Section 17.05 ReviewSouthside Community Center Phase 2 FinalistapprovedPass Action details Not available
PDRPRES 2023.044 1  PDR PresentationDirector's Report - June 20, 2023   Action details Not available