Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/13/2024 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda - English/Spanish Agenda - English/Spanish Published minutes: Action Summary - English/Spanish Action Summary - English/Spanish Meeting Extra1: Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
CD.2024.159 1  Council Document Board Appointments and Reappointments - May 13, 2024   Action details Not available
CD.2024.157 1  Council Document 20240513 Formal Awards and Recognitions Ceremony Docket   Action details Not available
CD.2024.156 1  Council Document May 13, 2024 Public Comment Period Speakers List   Action details Not available
ORD. 2022-205 11. OrdinanceTo amend Ord. No. 2000-410-2001-10, adopted Jan. 8, 2001, as previously amended by Ord. No. 2001-220-231, adopted Jul. 23, 2001, and Ord. No. 2017-242, adopted May 29, 2019, which approved the “Shops at Stratford Hills Community Unit Plan,” for the purpose of increasing the area subject to the community unit plan by 2.85 acres to 67.4± acres and modifying the development standards, under certain terms and conditions. (As Amended) (4th District)amended and continued  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-066 12. OrdinanceTo install one speed table in the 1600 block of Monteiro Street and one speed table in the 1800 block of Monteiro Street. (6th District)continued and referred back   Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-078 13. OrdinanceTo erect all-way stop signs at the intersection of Grayland Avenue and South Sheppard Street. (5th District)continued   Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-079 14. OrdinanceTo erect all-way stop signs at the intersection of Parkwood Avenue and McCloy Street. (5th District)continued   Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-094 15. OrdinanceTo amend City Code § 11-36, concerning exemptions to sound control, for the purpose of modifying the hours during which [the City’s] refuse collection and sanitation services shall be exempted from the requirements of the City’s sound control provisions. (As Amended)continued and referred back   Action details Not available
RES. 2023-R024 115. ResolutionTo request that the Chief Administrative Officer cause the preparation of a study to identify a location in the Shockoe Bottom area of the city of Richmond for the National Slavery Museum.continued and referred back   Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-115 16. OrdinanceTo amend ch. 9, art. III, of the City Code by adding therein a new section 9-58.1, concerning polling place licenses.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-116 17. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 1515 Chamberlayne Parkway for the purpose of a mixed-use building containing up to 91 dwelling units, upon certain terms and conditions. (3rd District)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-117 18. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the properties known as 2902 ½ East Franklin Street and 2904 East Franklin Street for the purpose of two single-family detached dwellings, upon certain terms and conditions. (7th District)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-118 19. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 1210 West Franklin Street for the purpose of a multifamily dwelling containing up to three dwelling units, upon certain terms and conditions. (2nd District)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-119 110. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 3704 Lawson Street for the purpose of up to four two-family detached dwellings which may contain permanent supportive housing uses, upon certain terms and conditions. (5th District)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-120 111. OrdinanceTo authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Lease Agreement between the City of Richmond, as landlord, and the Greater Richmond Transit Co., as tenant, for the purpose of allowing the Greater Richmond Transit Co. to maintain and operate radio communications equipment on and within City Hall located at 900 East Broad Street. (6th District)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-121 112. OrdinanceTo approve the text of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Richmond, Virginia, and International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 995 in accordance with City Code section 2-1301.13.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-122 113. OrdinanceTo approve the text of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Richmond, Virginia, and Richmond Coalition of Police in accordance with City Code section 2-1301.13.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-123 114. OrdinanceTo approve the text of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Richmond, Virginia, and Service Employees International Union, Virginia 512 in accordance with City Code section 2-1301.13.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-099 116. OrdinanceTo adopt the annual budget, which includes all of the separate current expense budgets for the general operation of the City government and Richmond Public Schools and for each utility as defined in ch. 13 of the City Charter and provides for increases to certain fees for certificates of appropriateness, certificates of zoning compliance, zoning confirmation letters, and other filing fees set forth in ch. 30 of the City Code, concerning zoning, for the fiscal year commencing Jul.1, 2024, and ending Jun. 30, 2025, and to appropriate the estimated revenues for such fiscal year for the objects and purposes stated in such budget. (As Amended)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-100 117. OrdinanceTo accept a program of proposed Capital Improvement Projects for the fiscal year beginning Jul. 1, 2024, and for the four fiscal years thereafter; to adopt a Capital Budget for the fiscal year beginning Jul. 1, 2024; and to determine the means of financing the same. (As Amended)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-128 118. OrdinanceTo amend Ord. No. 2023-071, adopted May 8, 2023, which adopted the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 General Fund Budget and made appropriations pursuant thereto, by increasing revenues from estimated interest income by $9,000,000.00, to appropriate a portion of such estimated interest income to various City departments and certain non-departmental agencies, to create certain new line items in the Non-departmental agency, and appropriate such estimated interest income revenue thereto for the purpose of funding certain City departments and nonprofit initiatives.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-101 119. OrdinanceTo adopt a new pay plan for the City for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 and to repeal Ord. No. 2023-074, adopted May 8, 2023, and all amendatory ordinances thereto.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-102 120. OrdinanceTo authorize the issuance of general obligation public improvement bonds of the City of Richmond in the maximum principal amount of $96,417,470 to finance the cost of school projects and general capital improvement projects of the City for the following purposes and uses: construction, reconstruction, improvements and equipment for public schools; construction, reconstruction, improvement and equipment for various infrastructure needs, including traffic control facilities, streets, sidewalks and other public ways, bridges, storm sewers, drains and culverts, and refuse disposal facilities; to make grants or loans to assist in financing capital expenditures for the purposes of promoting the development of housing projects for the benefit of persons with low or moderate incomes; participation in redevelopment, conservation and community development programs, including the construction, reconstruction, improvement and equipment for targeted public facilities included in these programs; construction, reconstruction, improvements and equipment for public institutional, operational, culturaadoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-103 121. OrdinanceTo authorize the issuance of general obligation public improvement bonds of the City of Richmond in the maximum principal amount of $23,191,102 to finance the cost of capital improvement projects of the stormwater utility of the City for the following purposes and uses: replacement of and upgrades to the stormwater facilities, including but not limited to, construction, reconstruction, improvements, rehabilitation and upgrades of stormwater sewers and associated facilities; new and replacement infrastructure of the storm sewer system, drainage structures, catch basins, ditches, storm sewer pipes, culverts, green infrastructure; acquisition of real property therefor as appropriate; and equipment for various infrastructure needs; and authorizes the Director of Finance, with the approval of the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City, to sell such bonds for such capital improvement projects, to provide for the form, details and payment of such bonds and to authorize the issuance of notes of the City in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds, and to authorize the adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-104 122. OrdinanceTo authorize the issuance of public utility revenue bonds of the City of Richmond in the maximum principal amount of $73,804,186 to finance the cost of capital improvement projects of the gas, water and wastewater utilities and public utilities buildings and facilities for the following purposes and uses: enlargement, extension, repair, replacement, improvement and equipping of the gas plant and transmission lines; enlargement, extension, repair, replacement, improvement and equipping of the waterworks plant and transmission lines; enlargement, extension, repair, replacement, improvement and equipping of the wastewater plant and intercepting lines; construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement, and improvement of sanitary and storm water sewers, pumping stations, drains and culverts; construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement, improvement and equipping of public utility buildings and facilities therefor, including but not limited to the stores division; and acquisition of real property and real property rights (including without limitation easements and rights-of-way) theradoptedPass Action details Not available
RES. 2024-R016 123. ResolutionTo appoint Gayle Harris to the position of Council Liaison.adoptedPass Action details Not available
CD.2024.138 1  Council Document April 22, 2024 Informal Meeting Minutes   Action details Not available
CD.2024.144 1  Council Document April 22, 2024 Formal Meeting Minutes   Action details Not available
CD.2024.161 1  Council Document May 13, 2024 Introduction Papers List   Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-130 124. OrdinanceTo amend and reordain City Code §§ 2-1128, concerning applications for equalization of real estate assessments, 26-101, concerning the creation and purpose of the Office of Assessor of Real Estate, 26-104, concerning the duties, 26-122, concerning the time of making and entering assessment and notice of increases, and 26-147, concerning land books generally, to be effective for real estate tax assessments that are used to calculate real estate taxes for the tax years beginning on Jan. 1, 2026, and Jan. 1, 2027; to amend and reordain City Code §§ 26-104, concerning the duties, 26-105, concerning the assessment of new buildings substantially completed or fit for use and occupancy, and abatement of levies, 26-122, concerning time of making and entering an assessment and notice of increase, 26-147, concerning land books generally, 26-203, concerning the effective date of assessments, 26-230, concerning application to the Assessor for administrative reviews, 26-231, concerning notice of administrative reviews, 26-232, concerning action after hearing and rule of evidence, 26-233, concerninintroduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-131 125. OrdinanceTo authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to accept grant funds in the amount of $50,000,000.00 from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and to appropriate the increase to the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Capital Budget by increasing estimated revenues and the amount appropriated to the Department of Public Utilities’ Combined Sewer Overflow project in the Utilities category by $50,000,000.00 for the purpose of funding the Combined Sewer Overflow project.introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-132 126. OrdinanceTo authorize RRG Properties, LLC, to encroach upon the public right-of-way with an outdoor dining area encroachment, and associated awnings, along the north line of East Broad Street and the east line of North 28th Street at the northeast corner of the intersection of East Broad Street and North 28th Street, upon certain terms and conditions. (7th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-133 127. OrdinanceTo authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Programmatic Agreement, and a Second Amendment thereto, between the City of Richmond and the Virginia State Historic Preservation Office for the purpose of ensuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act in the performance of programs funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-134 128. OrdinanceTo designate the 2200 block of Gordon Avenue in honor of Gilda Marie Hines. (8th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-135 129. OrdinanceTo declare a public necessity for and to authorize the acquisition by gift of the parcel of real property known as 436 Calhoun Street, and commonly known as the “Calhoun Family Investment Center,” from the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority, for the purpose of maintaining such parcel as a community center. (3rd District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-136 130. OrdinanceTo amend City Code §§ 2-1336, concerning definitions related to webpages for development and capital improvements projects, 2-1337, concerning general requirements, and 2-1339, concerning exclusions, and to repeal § 2-1338, concerning project webpage requirements.introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-137 131. OrdinanceTo authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Procurement Services, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Goods and Services Contract between the City and Manchester Marketing, Inc. T/A Seibert’s Towing for towing-related services and tow lot operation.introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-129 132. OrdinanceTo amend City Code § 2-1224, concerning compensation and expenses of the members of Council and President of the Council, to provide for salary increases authorized by Va. Code §§ 15.2-1414.5 and 15.2-1414.6.introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-138 133. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 3024 3rd Avenue for the purpose of a two-family detached dwelling, upon certain terms and conditions. (6th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-139 234. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 1416 Bryan Street for the purpose of two two-family detached dwellings, upon certain terms and conditions. (6th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-140 235. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 6209 Forest Hill Avenue for the purpose of a single-family detached dwelling with an accessory building, upon certain terms and conditions. (4th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-141 136. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 1609 Pollock Street for the purpose of up to three two-family detached dwellings, upon certain terms and conditions. (6th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2024-142 137. OrdinanceTo amend City Code § 2-1176, concerning the administration of the Human Rights Commission, for the purpose of modifying the frequency of the Commission’s meetings.introduced and referred  Action details Not available