Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/10/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber, 2nd Floor - City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda - English/Spanish Agenda - English/Spanish Published minutes: Action Summary Action Summary Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
CD.2025.067 1  Council Document 20250310 Formal Awards and Recognitions Ceremony Docket   Action details Not available
CD.2025.068 1  Council Document March 10, 2025 Public Comment Period Speakers List   Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-014 11. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 3618 Hawthorne Avenue for the purpose of a four-unit multifamily dwelling and six single-family attached dwellings, upon certain terms and conditions. (3rd District)continued and referred back   Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-025 12. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the properties known as 5009 Rear Snead Road, 5015 Snead Road, and 5015 Rear Snead Road for the purpose of up to 180 multifamily dwelling units and a clubhouse, upon certain terms and conditions. (9th District)continued and referred back   Action details Not available
RES. 2025-R010 14. ResolutionTo establish the Civilian Review Board’s policies and procedures pursuant to Va. Code § 9.1-601(D) and City Code § 2-1202.4(f).continued and referred back   Action details Not available
RES. 2024-R040 13. ResolutionTo accept and approve the biennial real estate strategies plan entitled “Revised 2024 Biennial Real Estate Strategies Plan for City Owned Surplus Properties.” (As Amended)adoptedPass Action details Not available
RES. 2025-R011 15. ResolutionTo repeal Res. No. 2024-R016, adopted May 13, 2024, which would terminate the services of Gayle Harris as a Council Liaison for the City of Richmond effective Mar. 7, 2025.adopted  Action details Not available
CD.2025.065 1  Council Document February 24, 2025 Informal Meeting Minutes   Action details Not available
CD.2025.064 1  Council Document February 24, 2025 Formal Meeting Minutes   Action details Not available
CD.2025.071 1  Council Document February 27, 2025 Council Retreat Opening Meeting Minutes   Action details Not available
CD.2025.072 1  Council Document February 28, 2025 Council Retreat Meeting Minutes   Action details Not available
CD.2025.076 1  Council Document March 10, 2025 Introduction Papers List   Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-041 16. OrdinanceTo authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Grant Agreement between the City of Richmond and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for the purpose of funding green infrastructure improvements at Whitcomb Community Park.introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-042 17. OrdinanceTo authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Grant Agreement between the City of Richmond, 1903 Semmes LLC, and the Economic Development Authority of the City of Richmond for the purpose of facilitating the construction of an affordable housing development located at 1903 Semmes Avenue and 1905 Semmes Avenue. (5th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-043 18. OrdinanceTo authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Grant Agreement between the City of Richmond, 809 Oliver Hill Way LLC, and the Economic Development Authority of the City of Richmond for the purpose of facilitating the construction of an affordable housing development located at 809 Oliver Hill Way. (6th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
RES. 2025-R012 19. ResolutionTo designate the property known as 809 Oliver Hill Way as a revitalization area pursuant to Va. Code § 36-55.30:2. (6th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
RES. 2025-R013 110. ResolutionTo express the concurrence of the Council with the inducement resolution adopted by the Economic Development Authority of Henrico County and to approve the issuance of revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $15,000,000 for the benefit of Bon Secours Mercy Health, Inc. and Richmond Community Hospital.introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-044 211. OrdinanceTo vacate, pursuant to Va. Code § 15.2-2272(2), that part of the Oxford Addition, Terrace P subdivision plat that reserved 3700 East Weyburn Road, upon certain terms and conditions. (4th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-045 212. OrdinanceTo vacate, pursuant to Va. Code § 15.2-2272(2), those parts of the Oxford Addition, Terrace P subdivision plat that reserved 3601 Sherbrook Road and a portion of 3717 Sherbrook Road, upon certain terms and conditions. (4th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-046 113. OrdinanceTo amend Ord. No. 2008-270-261, adopted Nov. 10, 2008, as previously amended by Ord. No. 2003-296-255, adopted Sep. 8, 2003, which authorized a Community Unit Plan at 1300 Westwood Avenue for a mixed-use development consisting of a maximum of one hundred forty residential units, a community center with reception facility and non-medical office, a preventative healthcare facility, two private schools, and a fifty unit dormitory, and modified the plan for the fence required between the subject property and 1409 Palmyra Avenue, to modify the plan for the development of tennis courts. (3rd District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-047 214. OrdinanceTo amend Ord. No. 2021-326, adopted Dec. 13, 2021, which authorized the special use of the property known as 1807 Harwood Street for the purpose of up to three two-family detached dwellings, upon certain terms and conditions, to revise the plans, upon certain terms and conditions. (8th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-048 215. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 2701 Garland Avenue for the purpose of adult transitional housing, under certain terms and conditions, and to repeal Ord. No. 97-174-190, adopted Jun. 9, 1997, and all amendatory ordinances thereto. (3rd District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-049 216. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 1822 Ingram Avenue for the purpose of up to two single-family detached dwellings. (8th District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-050 217. OrdinanceTo authorize the special use of the property known as 2527 Stuart Avenue for the purpose of a food and beverage service establishment, upon certain terms and conditions. (2nd District)introduced and referred  Action details Not available
ORD. 2025-051 118. OrdinanceTo amend City Code §§ 2-1199, concerning the duties of the Participatory Budgeting Steering Commission, and 2-1200 concerning administration, for the purpose of providing a stipend to Commission members and allowing the Commission to create ad hoc committees.introduced and referred  Action details Not available