To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute appropriate documents releasing The Maggie Walker Community Land Trust and its successors in interest from any obligation to fulfill certain deed conditions and contractual requirements to redevelop the property known as 2615 Q Street for the purpose of allowing the Land Trust to sell such property to the owners of abutting parcels and utilize the proceeds from such sale to facilitate the development of affordable housing by The Maggie Walker Community Land Trust in the city of Richmond. (7th District)
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 2018-033, adopted February 26, 2018, declared that a public necessity existed, authorized the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to acquire, at a tax delinquent judicial sale, the property known as 2615 Q Street, with Tax Parcel No. E000-0475/008, and authorized the conveyance of such property for $2,152.00 to The Maggie Walker Community Land Trust for the purpose of eliminating blight and making such property available for redevelopment; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 2018-033, adopted February 26, 2018, the City and The Maggie Walker Community Land Trust entered into a Non-Profit Housing Rehabilitation for Affordable Home Ownership Development Agreement, dated December 19, 2018, that required The Maggie Walker Community Land Trust to obtain certain federal, state, and City permits, approvals, and authorizations for the rehabilitation or construction of a single-family residential dwelling located at 2615 Q Street, with Tax Parcel No. E000-0475/008, and to rehabilitate such property or construct a new single-family residential dwelling on the property in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 2018-033, adopted February 26, 2018, the Chief Administrative Officer, for an on behalf of the City, executed a Special Warranty Deed, dated De...
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