To amend City Code § 2-744, concerning the duty of the Mayor to submit reports on City’s comprehensive poverty reduction initiative, for the purpose of modifying reporting requirements.
§ 1. That section 2-744 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020) be and is hereby amended and reordained follows:
Sec. 2-744. Duty of Mayor to submit reports on City’s comprehensive poverty reduction initiative.
(a) Oral presentation. [Effective January 1, 2016, the] The Mayor shall deliver annually, by no later than [March 1] October 31 of each calendar year, an oral presentation to the City Council concerning the progress of the City’s ongoing efforts to reduce poverty and promote economic mobility in the city of Richmond. This oral presentation shall take place during the portion of a regular meeting of the City Council known as the “[formal] informal meeting” and shall be distinct from any other formal or informal presentation the Mayor may make to the City Council or in any other public setting. The substance of the oral presentation shall be based on the substance of the written report described in subsection (b) of this section.
(b) Written report. The Mayor shall submit to the members of both the City Council and the Maggie L. Walker Initiative Citizens Advisory Board a written report, by no later than October 31 of each calendar year, concerning the City’s comprehensive efforts to promote economic mobility. At the same time as or prior to the oral presentation described in subsection (a) of this section, the Mayor shall submit to the members of both the City Council and the Maggie L. Walker Initiative Citizens Advisory Board [a] the written report required by this subsection detailing the progress of initiatives in education, workforce development, economic development, transportation, and housing undertaken by the City for the purpose of reducing, alleviating, or ameliorating poverty, including, but not necessarily limited to, the activities and initiatives of the Office of Community Wealth Building. The Chief Administrative Officer shall make the written report publicly available on the City’s world wide web site. The written report shall include the following elements:
(1) A system of metrics established to track long-term trends and changes in important policy areas that affect poverty.
(2) A statement concerning ongoing challenges and recommended policy steps to increase the effectiveness of the City’s efforts to reduce poverty and promote economic mobility.
(3) The use of metrics and related methods of measurement as consistently as possible with previous reports, with clear explanations and justifications for any alterations in the metrics and related methods of measurement used.
(4) Trend data on the number and proportion of all persons living in poverty in the city, the number and proportion of children living in poverty in the city, and analysis of the impact of the City’s poverty rate on the City’s financial condition and creditworthiness.
(5) A summary of the current one-year [and five-year] strategic [plans] plan of the Office of Community Wealth Building to reduce poverty and promote economic mobility in the City.
(6) The signature of the Mayor.
[(c) Mid-year presentation. Beginning with the year commencing on January 1, 2016, the Mayor or the designee thereof shall make an additional presentation to the City Council. The Mayor or the designee thereof shall make the presentation each year during the months of September or October at such regular or special meeting as may be designated by the President of the Council. The purpose of the presentation shall be to provide a mid-year update concerning the progress of the City’s comprehensive poverty reduction initiative.]
§ 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon adoption.