To declare a public necessity for and to authorize the acquisition of the parcels of real property owned by Mayo's Island, L.C. located at 501 South 14th Street, 501 1R South 14th Street, 503 South 14th Street, 505 South 14th Street, and 508 South 14th Street, and a parcel of real property owned by Alan T. Shaia and Wayne T. Shaia located at 501 2R South 14th Street, for the purpose of maintaining the properties as a City green space and recreational area. (6th District)
WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council of the City of Richmond, a public necessity exists for the acquisition of the properties located at 501 South 14th Street, 501 1R South 14th Street, 503 South 14th Street, 505 South 14th Street, and 508 South 14th Street, identified as Tax Parcel Nos. E000-0095/001, E000-0095/010, E000-0095/005, E000-0095/003, and E000-0096/015, respectively, in the 2023 records of the City Assessor, for the purpose of maintaining the property as a City green space and recreational area; and
WHEREAS, Mayo's Island, L.C., the owner of the aforementioned property, has agreed to sell the property to the City;
WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council of the City of Richmond, a public necessity exists for the acquisition of the property located at 501 2R South 14th Street Parcel, identified as Tax Parcel No. E000-0095/015 in the 2023 records of the City Assessor, for the purpose of maintaining the property as a City green space and recreational area; and
WHEREAS, Alan T. Shaia and Wayne T. Shaia, the owners of the aforementioned property, have agreed to sell the property to the City;
? 1. That a public necessity exists for the acquisition of the properties located at 501 South 14th Street, 501 1R South 14th Street, 503 South 14th Street, 505 South 14th Street, and 508 South 14th Street, identified as Tax Parcel Nos. E000-0095/001, E000-0095/010, ...
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