To amend City Code ?? 2-1187, concerning the creation of the History and Culture Commission, 2-1188, concerning composition, 2-1189, concerning qualifications, 2-1191, concerning duties, and 2-1192, concerning administration.
? 1. That sections 2-1187, 2-1188, 2-1189, 2-1191, and 2-1192 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020) be and are hereby amended and reordained as follows:
Sec. 2-1187. Created.
There is hereby created a commission of the City of Richmond with indefinite duration to be known as the History and Culture Commission for the purpose of providing to the Mayor [and], the Department of Planning and Development Review, and City Council information and advice concerning matters of historical and cultural significance.
Sec. 2-1188. Composition.
The Commission shall be composed of [13] nine members, subject to the conditions set forth in this section, as follows:
(1) [Nine voting] Five members appointed by the Mayor who shall be residents of the City and who are not officers or employees of the City.
(2) Four [non-voting] members [as follows:
a. One employee of the Department of Planning and Development Review appointed by the Mayor.
b. One member of the City Council] appointed by the City Council.
[c. Two youth members who, during their entire tenure on the Commission, shall be students of public schools administered by the School Board of the City of Richmond, Virginia, enrolled in the ninth, tenth, 11th, or 12th grades appointed by a majority vote of the voting members of the Commission.]
(3) The Mayor and City Council shall coordinate an interview and appointment process to ensure the Commission's members are appropriately appointed.
(4) All appointments shall be otherwise governed by Sections 2-767 and 2-768.
Sec. 2-1189. Qualifications.
[Except for the two youth members appointed in accordance with Section 2-1188, all] All members of the Commi...
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