To repeal City Code ? 2-1265, concerning personnel rules; to amend City Code ?? 1-4, concerning miscellaneous ordinances not affected by the City Code, 2-927, concerning general powers and duties of the Personnel Board, 2-1210, concerning publication of certain hiring policies, 2-1264, concerning the creation of the personnel system, 2-1289, concerning classified service, 2-1293, concerning prohibited practices, 2-1295, concerning prohibited working relationships between family members, 2-1301.2, concerning definitions, and 26-103, concerning the general powers and assistants for the City Assessor; and to repeal Ord. No. 2013-10-98, concerning personnel rules for the classified service.
? 1. That section 2-1265 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020) be and is hereby repealed as follows:
[Sec. 2-1265. Personnel rules.
(a) Either the Mayor or the Personnel Board may initiate proposed personnel rules or amendments thereto. For any personnel rule or amendment initiated by the Personnel Board, it shall conduct a public hearing. Prior to conducting the public hearing, the Personnel Board shall solicit comments from the Mayor. Following its public hearing, the Personnel Board shall forward its comments and recommendations to the Council and the Mayor as provided for in Code of Virginia, ? 15.2-1131. The City Mayor shall forward the recommendations of the Personnel Board, along with the Mayor's comments and recommendations, to the Council within 30 days of the Mayor's receipt of such recommendations.
(b) Prior to the Council's consideration of any personnel rule or amendment initiated by the Mayor, such rule or amendment shall first be referred by the City Council to the Personnel Board for a public hearing. Such public hearing shall be held by the personnel board within 30 days of the City Council's referral. Notice of such hearing shall be posted by the Personnel Board at City work facilities. Wi...
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