To amend City Code § 8-284, concerning meeting fees and exceptions for the use of public grounds, parks, playfields, and playgrounds, for the purpose of prescribing the conditions under which certain organizations may use park houses, recreation centers, or other facilities at no cost to the organization.
§ 1. That section 8-284 of Code of the City of Richmond (2020) be and hereby is amended as follows:
Sec. 8-284. Meeting fees; exceptions.
[(a)] [A] No fee [of $25.00 per meeting] shall be charged [and paid into the City treasury] for [any civic or community] one meeting per month that is (i) held by an organization listed on the Department of Planning and Development Review’s website as a civic group and (ii) open to the public, provided that such meeting is for [a two-hour period, for meetings] no longer than three hours in duration. Such meetings may be held only in park houses, recreation centers and other facilities administered by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities[, to aid in defraying the cost of operation and maintenance of public facilities. This fee shall not apply to the use of the Carillon, Belle Isle Environmental Education Center and facilities under the administration of the Bureau of Community Facilities]. All requests for such meetings shall be submitted to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities in writing on a form developed by the Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities at least two weeks in advance of the proposed meeting date and such meetings shall comply with all other applicable requirements of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities set forth in Article VIII of this chapter. All meetings held within a month in excess of the monthly meeting allowed at no cost pursuant to this section shall be subject to the fees set forth in section 8-279.
[(b) A fee of $140.00 per meeting of up to four hours shall be charged and paid into the City treasury for any private meeting held in park houses, recreation centers and other facilities administered by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities, to aid in defraying the cost of operation and maintenance of public facilities. This fee shall not apply to the use of the Carillon, Belle Isle Environmental Education Center and facilities under the administration of the Bureau of Community Facilities.
(c) In addition to the fees set forth in subsections (a) and (b) of this section, a fee of $35.00 per hour per staff person shall be charged for staff costs in setting up and preparing any room. Any reservation made for the use of a facility on an official City holiday shall require the payment of an additional fee of $275.00.]
§ 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon adoption.