To designate the 4300 block of Corbin Street in honor of Juliette Stephens Hamilton.
WHEREAS, upon information and belief of the Council, Juliette Stephens Hamilton is 104 years old and was born on March 25, 1918, in a house still standing at the corner of Brook Road and Wilmer Avenue in Henrico County; and
WHEREAS, upon information and belief of the Council, as a child, Juliette Stephens Hamilton was a member of Maggie Lena Walker's penny savings group for children and a faithful member of the Second Baptist Church, before growing into adulthood and marrying Alcus Hamilton in 1942 during his military deployment in World War II; and
WHEREAS, upon information and belief of the Council, Juliette Stephens Hamilton graduated from Armstrong High School in 1936 and attended college at Virginia Union University from 1936 to 1937 and Virginia State College for Negroes, now Virginia State University, from 1937 to 1938, with a major in elementary education, and after a number of years, enrolled in the licensed practical nurse program in 1961, graduating in 1962 in the top five of her class; and
WHEREAS, upon information and belief of the Council, Juliette Stephens Hamilton worked as a nurse's aide at Richmond Memorial Hospital from 1955 to 1961, a school crossing guard with the City of Richmond, Department of Police, from 1955 to 1961, and as an licensed practical nurse from 1962 to 1982; and
WHEREAS, upon information and belief of the Council, upon retirement, Juliette Stephens Hamilton was an active volunteer in various organizations, especially those advocating for children and the elderly, including as a member of the American Association of Retired Persons, the Washington Park Civic League, Second Baptist Church, and the TRIAD senior citizen's police academy; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to memorialize the life of Juliette Stephens Hamilton for her contributions to the civic life of the city of Richmond by designati...
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