To declare that a public necessity exists and to authorize the acquisition by gift, purchase, condemnation or otherwise, permanent utility easements for the public purpose of facilitating the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Robin Road sewer replacement project.
WHEREAS, in the opinion of the City Council of the City of Richmond, a public necessity exists for the acquisition of permanent utility easements, each hereinafter referred to as an "Easement" and all hereinafter referred to as the "Easements" as shown on a plat entitled "Easement Plat Showing Two Temporary Construction Easements & a Permanent Utility Easement for Sanitary Sewer Across Parcel ID: W0210471002 (4 Robin Road), City of Richmond, Virginia," prepared by H & B Surveying and Mapping, LLC, and dated October 7, 2020, and entitled "Easement Plat Showing Two Temporary Construction Easements & a Permanent Utility Easement for Sanitary Sewer Across Parcel ID: W0210471004 (17 Robin Road), City of Richmond, Virginia," prepared by H & B Surveying and Mapping, LLC, and dated October 7, 2020, copies of which are attached to and made a part of this ordinance, for the public purpose of facilitating the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Robin Road sewer replacement project;
? 1. That a public necessity exists for the acquisition of the Easements as shown on a plat entitled "Easement Plat Showing Two Temporary Construction Easements & a Permanent Utility Easement for Sanitary Sewer Across Parcel ID: W0210471002 (4 Robin Road), City of Richmond, Virginia," prepared by H & B Surveying and Mapping, LLC, and dated October 7, 2020, and entitled "Easement Plat Showing Two Temporary Construction Easements & a Permanent Utility Easement for Sanitary Sewer Across Parcel ID: W0210471004 (17 Robin Road), City of Richmond, Virginia," prepared by H & B Surveying and Mapping, LLC, and dated October 7, 2020, copies o...
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