File #: ORD. 2022-207    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Adopted
File created: 6/21/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/18/2022 Final action: 7/25/2022
Title: To amend and reordain Ord. No. 2022-097, adopted Apr. 25, 2022, which conditionally rezoned the properties known as 3329 Hopkins Road and 3425 Hopkins Road from the R-4 Single-Family Residential District to the R-6 Single-Family Attached Residential District, to include the property known as 3511 Hopkins Road in the conditional rezoning from the R-4 Single-Family Residential District to the R-6 Single-Family Attached Residential District, upon certain proffered conditions. (8th District)
Patrons: Mayor Stoney (By Request)
Attachments: 1. Ord. No. 2022-207, 2. Staff Report, 3. Application Form & Applicant's Report



To amend and reordain Ord. No. 2022-097, adopted Apr. 25, 2022, which conditionally rezoned the properties known as 3329 Hopkins Road and 3425 Hopkins Road from the R-4 Single-Family Residential District to the R-6 Single-Family Attached Residential District, to include the property known as 3511 Hopkins Road in the conditional rezoning from the R-4 Single-Family Residential District to the R-6 Single-Family Attached Residential District, upon certain proffered conditions. (8th District)





I.                     That Ordinance No. 2022-097, adopted April 25, 2022, be and is hereby amended and reordained as follows:

                     § 1.                     That, as shown on the survey entitled “ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey on 21.752  Acre of Land Being 3 Parcels, Parcel Id: C0090789042, C0090789040 & C0090789030, Richmond City, Virginia,” prepared by Youngblood Tyler & Associates, P.C., and dated July 22, 2021, a copy of which is attached to, incorporated into, and made a part of this ordinance, the following properties, with tax parcel numbers as shown in the 2022 records of the City Assessor, are excluded from the R-4 Single-Family Residential District and shall no longer be subject to

the provisions of sections 30-408.1 through 30-408.8 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020), as amended, and that the same are included in the R-6 Single-Family Attached Residential District and shall be subject to the provisions of sections 30-412.1 through 30-412.8 and all other applicable provisions of Chapter 30 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020), as amended:

                                          3329 Hopkins Road                                                               Tax Parcel No. C009-0789/040

                                          3425 Hopkins Road                                                               Tax Parcel No. C009-0789/030

                        3511 Hopkins Road                                                               Tax Parcel No. C009-0789/042


§ 2.                      That the rezonings set forth in section 1 of this ordinance shall be conditioned upon the compliance by the owner or owners with all of the proffered conditions contained in the agreement entitled “Case No. RZON-098473-2021, Proffered Conditions,” and dated March 4, 2022, a copy of which is attached to, incorporated into, and made a part of [this ordinance] Ordinance No. 2022-097, adopted April 25, 2022. These conditions, having been proffered by the owner or owners and accepted by the City, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment to the City’s zoning ordinance changes the zoning of the parcels rezoned by this ordinance and specifically repeals such conditions.

§ 3.                     This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon adoption.

II.                     This amendatory ordinance shall be in force and effect upon adoption.



O & R Request

DATE:                     June 21, 2022                                                                                                                              EDITION:                     1


TO:                     The Honorable Members of City Council


THROUGH:                     The Honorable Levar M. Stoney, Mayor (By Request)

                     (This in no way reflects a recommendation on behalf of the Mayor.)


THROUGH:                     J.E. Lincoln Saunders, Chief Administrative Officer


THROUGH:                      Sharon L. Ebert, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Economic

                     Development and Planning


FROM:                     Kevin J. Vonck, Director, Department of Planning and

                     Development Review


RE:                     To amend and re-ordain ordinance No. 2022-097 which rezoned the properties known as 3329 Hopkins Road and 3425 Hopkins Road, to include the property known as 3511 Hopkins Road from the R-4 Single-Family Residential District to the R-6 Single-Family Attached Residential District (Conditional), upon certain proffered conditions.


ORD. OR RES. No.                                          



PURPOSE:  To amend and re-ordain ordinance No. 2022-097 which rezoned the properties known as 3329 Hopkins Road and 3425 Hopkins Road, to include the property known as 3511 Hopkins Road from the R-4 Single-Family Residential District to the R-6 Single-Family Attached Residential District (Conditional), up-on certain proffered conditions.


REASON:  The applicant is requesting to amend ordinance number 2022-097, originally adopted April 25, 2022, which rezoned properties 3329 and 3425 Hopkins Road from the R-4 Single-Family District to the R-6 Single Family Attached Residential District. The applicant wishes to add the adjacent property known as 3511 Hopkins Road to the ordinance as shown in the approved, proffered concept plans.


RECOMMENDATION:  In accordance with the requirements of the City Charter and the Zoning Ordinance, the City Planning Commission will review this request and make a recommendation to City Council. This item will be scheduled for consideration by the Commission at its July 18, 2022 meeting.


BACKGROUND:  The properties together consist of approximately 961,883 SF, or 22.10 acres, of land. The properties are located in the Walmsley Neighborhood at the intersection of Warwick Road and Hopkins Road.


The City’s Richmond 300 Master Plan designates these parcels as Neighborhood Mixed Use. Such areas are intended to include “Existing or new highly walkable urban neighborhoods that are predominantly residential with a small, but critical, percentage of parcels providing retail, office, personal service, and institutional uses.” Primary Uses: Single family houses, accessory dwelling units, duplexes, small multi-family buildings (typically 3 10 units), and open space.

Secondary Uses: Large multifamily buildings (10+units), retail/office/personal service, institutional, cultural, and government. (p. 56)


Currently, properties to the east are zoned R-4, Single Family Residential, and properties to the west are zoned R-3 Single Family Residential. A small segment of R-43 Multifamily Residential is directly north of the properties along Warwick Avenue.


FISCAL IMPACT / COST:  The Department of Planning and Development Review does not anticipate any impact to the City’s budget for this or future fiscal years.


FISCAL IMPLICATIONS:  Staff time for processing the request; preparation of draft ordinance; and publishing, mailing and posting of public notices.




REVENUE TO CITY:  $1,500 Application fee












CONSIDERATION BY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES:                      City Planning Commission, July 18, 2022


AFFECTED AGENCIES:  Office of Chief Administrative Officer

                                                                                              Law Department (for review of draft ordinance)






ATTACHMENTS:  Draft Ordinance, Application Form, Plans


STAFF:  Jonathan Brown, Senior Planner, Land Use Administration (Room 511) 646-5734


Recommended Action

Key Issues:

  Retain on Consent Agenda          
  Move to Regular Agenda    
  Refer Back to Committee 

  Remove from Council Agenda  

                      Strike         Withdrawn       ---- Continue to: