To accept a quitclaim deed from the School Board conveying 4929 Chamberlayne Avenue to the City and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to act on behalf of the City in executing such deed. (3rd District)
WHEREAS, section 22.1-129 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, provides for a school board to convey title to real property owned by the school board for which the school board has determined that it has no use to the city comprising the school division by adopting a resolution that such real property is surplus and recording such resolution along with the deed to the property with the clerk of the circuit court for the city where such property is located; and
WHEREAS, section 15.2-1803 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, provides that no deed purporting to convey real estate to a locality shall be valid unless accepted by the locality and executed by a person authorized to act on behalf of the locality; and
WHEREAS, by adopting a resolution dated April 6, 2009, the School Board of the City of Richmond (hereinafter referred to as the "School Board") declared that real property located at 4929 Chamberlayne Avenue in the city was surplus; and
WHEREAS, the School Board has delivered a quitclaim deed memorializing the conveyance of every interest it may have in the real property located at 4929 Chamberlayne Avenue; and
WHEREAS, in conformance with section 15.2-1803 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, the City Council desires to accept from the School Board the conveyance of every interest the School Board might have in the real property located at 4929 Chamberlayne Avenue and to authorize the execution of the deed by the Chief Administrative Officer;
? 1. That (i) the City hereby accepts the deed from the School Board conveying every interest it might have in the real property located at 4929 Chamberlayne Avenue, provided such deed...
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