To designate the 1700 block of Blair Street in honor of Cora Jean Dickerson.
WHEREAS, upon information and belief of the Council, Cora Jean Dickerson passed away on May 17, 2022, after a lifetime of service to the vulnerable citizens of the city of Richmond, including children, the aging, and the disabled; and
WHEREAS, upon information and belief of the Council, Mrs. Dickerson’s mobility was limited due to the effects of childhood polio, yet she was taught not to let that limit her potential; and
WHEREAS, as a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, Mrs. Dickerson became a dedicated community advocate who saw needs within the community and helped to find solutions; and
WHEREAS, upon information and belief of the Council, Mrs. Dickerson’s accomplishments included being a dedicated member of the City of Richmond Aging and Disabilities Advisory Board, representing the 5th District, and a manager of the 2-1-1 Call Center at United Way of Greater Richmond where she retired after 30 years, in addition to serving on several committees and boards including the Richmond Area Metropolitan Planning Association, Project Homes, Goodwill of Central Virginia Medical Adaptive Equipment Program, J. Sargent Reynolds Early Childhood Advisory Board, and the Help Ministry & Encouragement Group of St. Paul’s Baptist Church; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to memorialize the life of Mrs. Dickerson for her contributions to the social services of the city of Richmond by designating the 1700 block of Blair Street in her honor; and
WHEREAS, because this designation is honorary only, the provisions of sections 8-7 through 8-10 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020), as amended, do not apply to the designation made hereby or to any signs erected pursuant to this ordinance;
§ 1. Designation of Street Block for Honorary Names. The 1700 block of Blair Street shall be designated in honor of Cora Jean Dickerson, pursuant to this ordinance.
§ 2. Effect of Designation. The designation of the portion of the street made pursuant to this ordinance shall be honorary only, shall not replace the existing name of the street, and shall have no effect on the address of any property with an address on the designated street blocks. The sole effect of designation pursuant to this ordinance shall be to authorize the placement of commemorative signs in accordance with this ordinance memorializing the designation in honor of the named person.
§ 3. Administration of Ordinance. The Department of Public Works shall implement this ordinance by installing, as soon as practicable after the adoption of this ordinance, and maintaining commemorative signs in accordance with this section. The commemorative signs shall be clearly distinct from the street signs used to identify the portion of the street in question such that a reasonable person could not conclude that the commemorative signs reflect the actual name of the street. The commemorative signs (i) shall be affixed to a sign pole installed at each end of the portion of the street designated in section 1 of this ordinance for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of this section or to any existing sign identifying the portion of the street designated in section 1 of this ordinance located at each end of the portion of the street designated in section 1 of this ordinance and (ii) shall bear the name of the person set forth in section 1 of this ordinance.
§ 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon adoption.