To amend Ord. No. 2021-040, adopted May 24, 2021, which adopted the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 General Fund Budget and made appropriations pursuant thereto, to (i) transfer $624,000.00 from the Non-Departmental agency, Public Safety Employee COVID-19 Hazard Bonuses line item, and $753,888.00 from the Non-Departmental agency, Employee COVID-19 Bonuses line item, and (ii) appropriate $624,000.00 to the Non-Departmental agency, Richmond Ambulance Authority line item, $175,000.00 to the Non-Departmental agency, Richmond Public Defenders' Office Supplement Salaries line item, $125,775.00 to the Circuit Court agency, $203,175.00 to the Judiciary - Commonwealth Attorney agency, $246,713.00 to the Richmond Sheriff's Office agency, and $3,225.00 to the City Treasurer agency, all for the purpose of providing for bonuses to certain employees of the Richmond Ambulance Authority, the Public Defender, the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the Commonwealth's Attorney, the Sheriff, and the Treasurer.
? 1. That Ordinance No. 2021-040, adopted May 24, 2021, which adopted a General Fund Budget for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022, and made appropriations pursuant thereto, is hereby amended by:
(a) Transferring:
(1) $624,000.00 from the Public Safety Employee COVID-19 Hazard Bonuses line item in the Non-Departmental agency; and
(2) $753,888.00 from the Employee COVID-19 Bonuses line item in the Non-Departmental agency; and
(b) Appropriating these transferred funds to the following agencies and line items in the following amounts:
(1) $624,000.00 to the Richmond Ambulance Authority line item in the Non-Departmental agency for the purpose of providing bonuses of $3,000.00 to full-time Authority employees and $1,500.00 to part-time Authority employees;
(2) $175,000.00 to the Richmond Public Defenders' Office Supplement Salaries line item in the Non-Departmental agency...
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