To amend and reordain Ord. No. 2008-192-194, adopted Sept. 8, 2008, as previously amended by Ord. No. 2009-45-125, adopted Jun. 22, 2009, which authorized the special use of the property known as 305 North 18th Street for the purpose of a mixed-use, multifamily dwelling and allowed the alteration of the design of the building, to modify the site plan and on-site parking requirements, upon certain terms and conditions. (7th District)
I. That Ordinance No. 2008-192-194, adopted September 8, 2008, as previously amended by Ordinance No. 2009-45-125, adopted June 22, 2009, be and is hereby amended and reordained as follows:
? 1. That the property known as 305 North 18th Street and identified as Tax Parcel No. E000-0186/026 in the [2008] 2022 records of the City Assessor, being more particularly shown on the survey entitled "ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey of 1.54 Acres of Land Situated at the Intersection of East Broad Street, State Route #33, and 18th Street, City of Richmond, Virginia," prepared by Townes Site Engineering, dated October 8, 2007 and revised October 17, 2007, incorporated into Sheet C2 of the plans entitled "Cedar Broad Special Use Permit", prepared by Koontz-Bryant, P.C., dated June 25, 2008 a copy of which is attached to and made a part of Ordinance No. 2008-192-194, [are] adopted September 8, 2008, and on the survey entitled "ALTA/ ACSM Land Title Survey Showing 1.549 Acres of Land Located at the Intersection of Cedar Street and East Broad Street," prepared by Koontz-Bryant, P.C., and dated September 8, 2011, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of this amendatory ordinance, is hereby permitted to be used for a mixed-use development, substantially as shown on Sheets A.101, A. 201 through A.206, and A.211 of the plans entitled "Cedar Broad, 305 North 18th Street, Richmond, VA," prepared by Walter Parks Architect and dated November 26, 2008, Sheets A. 301 through A.305, A.401, A.402, A.416, A.417, and A.506 of the plan...
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