To determine and direct, pursuant to Va. Code ? 15.2-1812 and Ord. No. 2020-154, adopted Aug. 3, 2020, the final disposition of certain war monuments and memorials removed by the City by donating such monuments and memorials to The Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia, Inc., upon certain terms and conditions.
WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2020-154, adopted August 3, 2020, and pursuant to section 15.2-1812 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, the City Council authorized the removal of certain war monuments and memorials in the city; and
WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2022-001, adopted January 12, 2022, the City Council authorized the acceptance of a donation of personal property, including the Robert E. Lee statue, pedestal blocks, and associated artifacts, formerly located at the Lee Circle in the city; and
WHEREAS, The Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia, Inc. has proposed to collaborate with The Valentine Museum and other organizations on a project to engage other organizations and the public in a decision-making process that will determine the future use of certain monuments and memorials removed pursuant to Ordinance No. 2020-154, adopted August 3, 2020, and the personal property formerly located in the Lee Circle donated to the City; and
WHEREAS, upon information and belief, the City Council understands that the personal property formerly located in the Lee Circle donated to the City will be donated to The Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia, Inc. pursuant to section 21-106(a) of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020), as amended, to facilitate this project; and
WHEREAS, to further facilitate this project, the City Council is of the opinion that it is in the best interests of the City of Richmond that all monuments and memorials, including both statues and platforms, removed pursuant to Ordinance No. 2020-154, adopted August 3, 2020, except for the General A. P. H...
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