To amend City Code ?? 28-72, concerning the duty of building owners to make City water and sewer service connections and the duty of owner or tenant to apply for water service, 28-388, concerning duties of owners and tenants for water service connections, and 28-710, concerning duties of owners and tenants for wastewater service connections, for the purpose of clarifying the methods for calculating and estimating non-City water volume for billing purposes.
? 1. That sections 28-72, 28-388, and 28-710 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2020) be and are hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 28-72. Duty of building owners to make City water and sewer service connections; duty of owner or tenant to apply for water service.
Owners and tenants of premises with occupied buildings thereon shall comply with the following applicable requirements:
(1) The owner of a premises with a newly constructed or an existing building thereon shall apply to the Department of Public Utilities for a water service connection and a sewer service connection prior to occupancy of the building, provided that an individual water supply or an individual sewage disposal system approved by the [Director of Public] District Health Director may be used if the Department of Public Utilities cannot provide water or sewer service.
(2) Unless otherwise authorized in accordance with rules and regulations made pursuant to Section 28-26, the occupants of all buildings to which a City water connection has been made shall use City water to flush all toilets and to carry all wastewater and sewage into the City sewer system or individual sewage disposal system. Notwithstanding any other section of this Code to the contrary, the rules and regulations made pursuant to Section 28-26 to authorize the use of non-City water to flush toilets and carry wastewater and sewage into the City sewer system or individual sewage disposal system sh...
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