To amend Ord. No. 2010-028-36, adopted Feb. 22, 2010, which authorized the special use of the property known as 5724 Patterson Avenue for the purpose of waiving certain yard requirements, to allow additional floor area within the shopping center for restaurant use, upon certain terms and conditions. (1st District)
I. That Ordinance No. 2010-028-36, adopted February 22, 2010, be and is hereby amended and reordained as follows:
? 1. That the property known as 5724 Patterson Avenue, and identified as Tax Parcel No. W020-0073/014 in the [2009] 2021 records of the City Assessor, being more particularly shown on the survey entitled "Improvements on 2 Parcels of Land Located Along the North Line of Patterson Avenue," prepared by Balzer and Associates Inc., dated November 24, 2009, and last revised November 30, 2009, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of [this ordinance] Ordinance No. 2010-028-36, adopted February 22, 2010, is hereby permitted to encroach into the required front yard[, substantially as shown on the plans entitled "The Grill at Patterson & Grove Avenues", prepared by R.F. Messer, P.E., and dated August 8, 2009,] and additional restaurant floor area is hereby permitted as shown on Sheet A1.0 of the plans entitled "The Grill - Expansion, 5720, 5722 & 5724 Patterson Avenue, Richmond, VA," prepared by Perretz & Young Architects, dated January 28, 2021, and last revised May 5, 2021, copies of which are attached to and made a part of this amendatory ordinance.
? 2. That adoption of this ordinance shall constitute the granting of a special use permit for the property, which shall be transferable from the owner of the real estate to the successor or successors in fee simple title of the owner, whether acquired by operation of law, deed or otherwise, and shall run with the land.
? 3. That the Commissioner of Buildings is hereby authorized to issue to the owner of the property a building permit in acco...
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