To amend the schedule of classifications and assigned ranges incorporated into section I of the Pay Plan for the purpose of revising the wording of certain classification titles [and] , changing the pay ranges of certain classification titles, and providing for a 3.25% adjustment of general pay ranges; to amend section II of the Pay Plan by adding therein a new subsection (C) for the purpose of providing for a 3.25% increase for eligible employees and implementing the recommendations of a study completed in 2018 that found significant compression in the lower end of the pay ranges and pay bands for non-sworn employees and recommended pay increases to move those employees toward the midpoint of their pay ranges or pay bands; and to amend sections III(B)(11), providing for salary supplements for the Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney, III(B)(12), providing for salary supplements for the Office of the Sheriff, III(B)(25)(e), suspending the education incentive for sworn fire and police employees, III(B)(36), to increase the hourly living wage for City employees from $12.07 to $13.00, and III(B)(40), to provide for the full implementation of the step-based pay plan for sworn fire and police employees, of the Pay Plan.
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Richmond adopted a pay plan for the City of Richmond, hereinafter the “Pay Plan,” by Ordinance No. 2018-319, adopted January 14, 2019, and now desires to amend such pay plan;
§ 1. That, (i) effective beginning with the pay period commencing on July 3, 2021, the nine-page schedule entitled “Classifications and Assigned Ranges” and dated January 5, 2019, as previously amended by Ordinance No. 2019-292, adopted November 12, 2019, and Ordinance No. 2020-102, adopted May 11, 2020, incorporated into the Pay Plan by section I of the Pay Plan, be and is hereby amended by excluding the classifications as shown on the one-page schedule entitled “Classifications and Assigned Ranges, July 3, 2021, Exclude,” a copy of which schedule is attached to and incorporated into this ordinance, and by including the classifications as shown on the [nine-page] one-page schedule entitled “Classifications and Assigned Ranges, July 3, 2021, Include,” a copy of which schedule is attached to and incorporated into this ordinance, and (ii) effective beginning with the pay period commencing on October 9, 2021, the nine-page schedule entitled “Classifications and Assigned Ranges” and dated January 5, 2019, as previously amended by Ordinance No. 2019-292, adopted November 12, 2019, Ordinance No. 2020-102, adopted May 11, 2020, and the schedules described in clause (i) of this section 1, incorporated into the Pay Plan by section I of the Pay Plan, is hereby repealed and replaced in its entirety by the ten-page schedule entitled “Classifications and Assigned Ranges, October 9, 2021, Include,” a copy of which schedule is attached to and incorporated into this ordinance.
§ 2. That (i) section III(B)(29) of the Pay Plan shall not apply to the amendments made by section 1 of this ordinance, (ii) no employee whose position this ordinance moves to another classification, pay range, or pay band shall receive a pay increase or decrease due to any adjustment made by this ordinance, and (iii) for purposes of this section, words or phrases defined in section III(A) of the Pay Plan have the meanings set forth in section III(A) of the Pay Plan.
§ 3. That section II of the Pay Plan be and is hereby amended by adding therein a new subsection (C) as follows:
C. The provisions of this section II(C) apply to the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022. The annual budget for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022, includes funding[, distributed among City agencies,] in the Non-Departmental Budget for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022, to implement the recommendations of a study completed in 2018 that found significant compression in the lower end of the pay ranges and pay bands for non-sworn employees and recommended pay increases to move those employees toward the midpoint of their pay ranges or pay bands. This section II(C) provides for the use of that funding to achieve those recommendations.
1. Eligibility. The pay increases for which this section II(C) provides shall apply to all employees in permanent classified and unclassified positions except for the following:
a. Employees not employed continuously in a permanent position on [June] September 30, 2020, unless the employee’s salary is below the minimum of the employee’s new pay range;
b. Employees paid at or above the midpoint of their assigned pay ranges or their pay zones within their assigned pay bands as of October 9, 2021, except as provided in section II(C)(2)(b);
c. Employees of constitutional officers whose classifications are not listed in section I of the Pay Plan; and
d. Employees in the classifications of Police Recruit, Police Officer I, Police Officer II, Police Officer III, Police Officer IV, Master Police Officer, Police Sergeant, Police Lieutenant, Police Captain, Fire Recruit, Fire Fighter I, Fire Fighter II, Fire Fighter III, Fire Fighter IV, Master Fire Fighter, Fire Driver Operator, Fire Lieutenant, Fire Captain, Fire Battalion Chief, and Staff Battalion Chief.
e. Employees with a performance issue, performance improvement plan, or disciplinary action, each documented according to the applicable City laws, regulations, and rules, occurring on or after October 8, 2020.
2. Administration. The following provisions shall govern the administration of the pay increases for which this section II(C) provides:
a. The amount of the pay increase shall be calculated on the employee’s base rate of pay as of October [9] 8, 2021.
b. [The Director of Budget and Strategic Planning shall cause the funding provided in the annual budget to achieve the purposes of this section II(C) to be identified by a unique service code within the records of each agency’s budget.] Each employee who is eligible under section II(C)(1) shall receive a pay increase equal to 3.25 percent of the employee’s salary as of October 8, 2021, unless the amount of such increase would exceed the maximum of the employee’s pay range. If the amount of such increase exceeds the maximum of the employee’s pay range, the employee’s salary will be equal to the greater of the maximum of the employee’s pay range or the employee’s salary as of October 8, 2021.
c. [Prior to the date on which pay increases become effective pursuant to this section II(C), the Director of Human Resources shall cause:
(1) The preparation of an analysis of each employee eligible for a pay increase pursuant to section II(C)(1) based on uniform standards approved by the Director of Human Resources and designed to identify the appropriate pay for each employee within that employee’s pay range or pay band based on that employee’s experience and tenure with the City; and
(2) The distribution of this analysis to each appointing authority for review based on each employee’s individual characteristics.]
If the employee’s salary remains lower than the midpoint of the employee’s pay range after the application of section II(C)(2)(b), the employee will receive an additional salary increase based on the employee’s years of service as determined by the Director of Human Resources and the employee’s appointing authority in accordance with section II(C)(2). Using records available to the Director of Human Resources, the Director of Human Resources shall analyze and calculate each employee’s years of service based on
(1) The employee’s years of service in the employee’s job classification as of October 9, 2021;
(2) The employee’s years of service in a higher job classification in the job classification series to which the employee’s job classification as of October 9, 2021, belongs as determined by the Director of Human Resources using the City’s job class codes; and
(3) The employee’s years of service in a classification equivalent to the employee’s job classification as of October 9, 2021, as determined by the Director of Human Resources using the City’s job class codes.
In developing the analysis for each employee, the Director of Human Resources shall include both City service and service that is not City service, provided that the Director of Human Resources shall include service that is not City service only for employees hired before April 1, 2021. The Director of Human Resources shall provide each employee’s analysis to that employee’s appointing authority for review based on each employee’s individual experience, performance, and qualifications.
d. Each appointing authority shall review, for each employee for whom the appointing authority serves as appointing authority, the analysis provided by the Director of Human Resources pursuant to section II(C)(2)(c) to confirm or make changes based on that employee’s individual experience, performance, and qualifications and provide the appointing authority’s concurrence or any changes to the Director of Human Resources. No changes by an appointing authority [that result in a pay increase greater than that recommended] to the calculation of years of service by the Director of Human Resources for an employee shall be effective unless approved by the Director of Human Resources. [The total of each agency’s or program’s pay increases shall be less than or equal to the agency’s or program’s amount of funding identified by the Director of Budget and Strategic Planning pursuant to section II(C)(2)(b).] The determination of the Director of Human Resources as to whether years of service qualify under this section II(C)(2)(c) shall be final and not subject to further appeal. Once the Director of Human Resources has reviewed any changes by the employee’s appointing authority and finally determined an employee’s years of service in accordance with section II(C)(2)(c), the Director of Human Services shall apply one 2.5 percent salary adjustment for each of the employee’s complete years of service to the minimum of the employee’s pay range, apply a salary increase equal to the difference between the employee’s salary immediately following the salary increase for which section II(C)(2)(b) provides and the midpoint of the employee’s pay range, and implement that salary increase, if any, effective beginning with the pay period commencing on October 9, 2021.
e. No employee’s salary shall be decreased as a result of any application of this section II(C). If the appropriation for the salary increases for which section II(C)(2)(c) and (d) provide made in the Non-Departmental Budget for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022, is not sufficient to fund all of the salary increases for which section II(C)(2)(c) and (d) provide, the Director of Human Resources shall prorate the salary increases of all employees who would receive a salary increase pursuant to section II(C)(2)(c) and (d) so that those salary increases do not exceed the available appropriation. For purposes of this section II(C), the term “pay range” has the meaning set forth in section III(A)(8), except that for each classification assigned a broad band established pursuant to section III(B)(38) within which the Chief Administrative Officer has established pay zones pursuant to section III(B)(38)(a), the term “pay range” means the pay zone within that broad band to which the employee is assigned.
§ 4. That section III(B)(11) of the Pay Plan be and is hereby amended as follows:
11. Commonwealth Attorney’s Office. The Commonwealth Attorney shall receive a salary supplement of [$51,074] $53,628 together with a contribution to the Virginia Retirement System on her behalf of [$10,306] $10,822 in Fiscal Year [2020-2021] 2021-2022. The Commonwealth Attorney’s Office shall receive [$884,474] $934,456 to be used as salary supplements together with [$202,138] $212,571 to be used for a contribution to the Virginia Retirement System in Fiscal Year [2020-2021] 2021-2022 for members of the office. The proper administration of salary supplements is the responsibility of the constitutional officer.
§ 5. That section III(B)(12) of the Pay Plan be and is hereby amended as follows:
12. Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff’s Office shall receive in Fiscal Year [2020-2021] 2021-2022 an amount [13.62] 10.82 percent greater than the amount approved by the Compensation Board for the Sheriff’s deputies to be used as salary supplements for members of the office, excluding the Sheriff, for which the City is reimbursed for 100 percent of salary costs approved by the Compensation Board. The Sheriff’s Office shall receive an amount not to exceed [$2,236,106] $1,773,117.01 in Fiscal Year [2020-2021] 2021-2022 to be used as salary supplements for members of the office, excluding the Sheriff. From such allocation, the Sheriff’s Office may, in Fiscal Year [2020-2021] 2021-2022, provide salary supplements for positions that the City is not reimbursed for 100 percent of approved Compensation Board salaries, excluding the Sheriff. No salary supplements to any positions shall be paid unless authorized by the City’s Director of Budget and Strategic Planning. Any salary supplement paid directly to the Sheriff from either of these amounts shall only be for the specific amount authorized by this section. The Sheriff shall receive a salary supplement of [$41,301.20] $47,399.99 in Fiscal Year [2020-2021] 2021-2022. The proper administration of salary supplements is the responsibility of the constitutional officer.
§ 6. That section III(B)(25)(e) of the Pay Plan be and is hereby amended as follows:
e. No new applications for educational incentives or increases in educational incentives in accordance with this section shall be accepted between July 1, 2010, and July 1, [2021] 2022.
§ 7. That, effective beginning with the pay period commencing on July 3, 2021, section III(B)(36) of the Pay Plan be and is hereby amended as follows:
36. Living Wage.
Any employee in a position (other than Summer Youth Program, Special Event Worker, Intern, or other special employment program participants as determined by the Director of Human Resources) working either full-time or part-time shall have an hourly rate of pay at least [$12.07] $13.00.
§ 8. That, effective beginning with the pay period commencing on October 9, 2021 section III(B)(40) of the Pay Plan be and is hereby amended as follows:
40. Step-Based Pay System for Sworn Fire Fighters and Police Officers.
a. The following sworn fire and police classifications shall be part of a step based pay system as shown in Table 1, dated [July 4, 2020] [March 5] May 10 , 2021 (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein):
Positions Range
Fire Recruit 1
Police Recruit 1
Fire Fighter I 2
Police Officer I 2
Fire Fighter II 3
Police Officer II 3
Fire Fighter III 4
Police Officer III 4
Fire Fighter IV 5
Police Officer IV 5
Master Fire Fighter 6
Master Police Officer 6
Fire Driver [Pump] Operator 7
Fire Lieutenant 8
Police Sergeant 8
Fire Captain 10
Police Lieutenant 10
Fire Battalion Chief 12
Staff Battalion Chief 12
Police Captain 12
b. Sworn fire and police personnel shall be eligible to move to their appropriate step on July 1, 2006, and thereafter shall be eligible to move in accordance with this ordinance at the beginning of the first full pay period in July of each calendar year thereafter. The initial placement and future movement of sworn fire and police personnel in the classifications of Fire Fighter I, Fire Fighter II, Fire Fighter III, Fire Fighter IV, Master Fire Fighter, Police Officer I, Police Officer II, Police Officer III, Police Officer IV and Master Police Officer will be based on full years of sworn service after the completion of the Fire Academy or the Police Academy (as outlined in Table 2, dated [July 4, 2020] March 5, 2021, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein) or the step closest to but above their current salary, whichever is greater.
For purposes of this plan, sworn service time will begin upon graduation from the Fire Academy or the Police Academy less any break in service (except military or other leave as required by law), and step movement shall be based upon years of service as of June 30 of each year (e.g., an officer with 9 months of service as of June 30 will be considered to have 0 years of service) (Refer to Table 2). The initial placement of sworn fire and police personnel in the classifications of Fire Driver [Pump] Operator, Fire Lieutenant, Fire Captain, Fire Battalion Chief, Staff Battalion Chief, Police Sergeant, Police Lieutenant, and Police Captain shall be based upon service time in their current classification or the step closest to but above their current salary, whichever is greater, as outlined in Table 2. Future movement shall be based on the implementation schedule set forth in Table 3, dated [July 4] March 6, 2020 (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein).
On October 9, 2021, (i) employees in the classifications of Police Officer I, Police Officer II, Police Officer III, Police Officer IV, Master Police Officer, Fire Fighter I, Fire Fighter II, Fire Fighter III, Fire Fighter IV, and Master Fire Fighter shall be eligible to advance to corresponding steps for FY2022 as shown on Table 2 and (ii) employees in the classifications of Police Sergeant, Police Lieutenant, Police Captain, Fire Driver Operator, Fire Lieutenant, Fire Captain, Fire Battalion Chief, and Staff Battalion Chief shall be eligible to be placed in the step of their classifications that most closely corresponds to the step they would have attained had the step movement provisions of the step-based pay system been funded for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2021, and the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022.
In order to relieve salary compression and with the concurrence of the Director of Human Resources, the Chief of Fire and Emergency Services or the Chief of Police may place sworn personnel at a higher step.
c. Movement through the steps for Fire Recruits, Police Recruits and all levels of Fire Fighters and Police Officers hired after July 1, 2006 shall be based on the schedule in Table 4 dated [July 4] March 6, 2020 (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein).
§ 9. This ordinance shall be in force and effect on July 1, 2021.