To amend City Code ? 13-190, concerning the removal and closure of underground storage tanks, for the purpose of including aboveground storage tanks as subject to removal and closure, and to amend the fees set forth in Appendix A of the City Code for City Code ? 13-190, for the purpose of establishing a new fee for the removal of aboveground storage tanks.
? 1. That section 13-190 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015) be and is hereby amended and reordained as follows:
Sec. 13-190. [Underground] Aboveground and underground storage tank removal/closure.
Any aboveground storage tank or underground storage tank that has not been used for the storage of combustible or flammable liquids, other hazardous or unknown substance, and is determined to be leaking, abandoned, or not actively used for more than one year shall be removed or filled with an approved inert solid[.], such as cement slurry or foam unless otherwise approved by the Fire Marshall's Office. A sample of soil near the area under an aboveground or underground tank shall be tested for tank contents, and a copy of that report shall be provided to the fire code official. A permit from the fire code official is required. The fire code official has authority to decide if any such tank may be filled with a material or shall be removed. Septic tanks are not covered by this Code.
? 2. That the fees set forth in Appendix A of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015) for section 13-160 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015) be and are hereby amended and reordained as follows:
Code Section
Fire Prevention Code Permit Fee
See below
("O" = Operational, permit required for each event or consecutive series;
"A" = Annual.
Customer must agree and abide by the Richmond Fire Prevention Permit Holder's Guidelines issued as condition of each permit.)
Permit Description
Aerosol products
[$40.00] $200.00
Above Gr...
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