To modify the decision of the Commission of Architectural Review, which approved a certificate of appropriateness for the demolition of a certain portion of George Mason Elementary School located at 813 North 28th Street by adding to such certificate the approval to demolish a certain portion of such school constructed in 1922, upon certain terms and conditions.
WHEREAS, on November 26, 2019, the Commission of Architectural Review approved an application of the School Board of the City of Richmond (hereinafter, the "School Board") identified as Certificate of Appropriateness Application No. COA-060187-2019 for the demolition of certain portions of George Mason Elementary School located at 813 North 28th Street in the Church Hill North Old and Historic District and constructed between 1936 and 1979; and
WHEREAS, on December 9, 2019, pursuant to section 30-930.8 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015), as amended, the School Board filed an appeal with the City Clerk concerning the Commission of Architectural Review's disapproval of a certificate of appropriateness for the demolition, in whole or in part, of the portion of George Mason Elementary School constructed in 1922; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to section 30-930.8 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015), as amended, the Council may reverse or modify the decision appealed, in whole or in part, by resolution when it is satisfied that the decision of the Commission of Architectural Review is in error, or, by taking no action, the Council may affirm the decision of the Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Council believes that the School Board has presented sufficient evidence to show that no feasible alternatives to demolition of George Mason Elementary School exist that allow cost-effective compliance with the Virginia Department of Education's recommendations for play space in an elementary school of the proposed size; and
WHEREAS, the Council believes that the School Board has proposed a plan t...
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