To amend ch. 19, art. VII, div. 2 of the City Code by adding therein a new § 19-334.1 for the purpose of prohibiting the carrying of firearms within certain places effective at such time as the adoption of such a prohibition becomes permitted by law.
§ 1. That Chapter 19, Article VII, Division 2 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015) be and is hereby amended and reordained by adding therein a new section numbered 19-334.1 as follows:
Sec. 19-334.1. Carrying firearms in certain places.
No person shall carry any firearm within any City-owned building, park, or recreation or community facility. This prohibition shall not apply to any duly authorized (i) military personnel in the performance of their lawful duties, (ii) law enforcement officer, or (iii) security guard contracted or employed by the City.
§ 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect as of the date on which a statute enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia to authorize the City to adopt the prohibition set forth in section 1 of this ordinance takes effect.