To create the Navy Hill Development Advisory Commission and announce the Council's intent to hold public hearings, all for the purpose of providing for the Council's consideration of a development proposal in the area generally bounded on the west by N. 5th St., on the north by E. Leigh St., on the east by N. 10th St., and on the south by E. Marshall St. (As Amended)
WHEREAS, The NH District Corporation, in affiliation with The NH Foundation and Capital City Development, LLC, submitted a North of Broad / Downtown Redevelopment Proposal to the City on February 9, 2018, hereinafter the "Proposal," in response to a Request for Proposals for the North of Broad/Downtown Neighborhood Redevelopment Project issued by the City on November 9, 2017; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Richmond (the "Council") anticipates that the Mayor of the City of Richmond will introduce ordinances providing for transactions that concern a "Navy Hill Development" resulting from the Proposal (the "Ordinances"), for the review and consideration of which the Council desires to set out procedures as described in this ordinance;
? 1. That the Council hereby establishes the Navy Hill Development Advisory Commission (the "Commission") pursuant to the following provisions:
A. Purpose. The Commission is created for the purpose of providing the Council with advice concerning the development contemplated by the Ordinances. For purposes of section 2-761 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015), as amended, the Commission is classified as "advisory."
B. Composition.
1. Appointment. The Commission shall consist of nine members appointed by the Council. The Council shall appoint a Chairman and a Vice Chairman. No later than ten working days after the date on which both the Chairman and the Vice Chairman have taken the requisite oath of office administered by the City Clerk, the Chairman ...
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