To amend ch. 24, art. II, div. 8 of the City Code by adding therein a new § 24-244.1 for the purpose of providing that no sidewalk café permit applied for by an operator who is not the property owner shall be denied, suspended, or revoked solely because such property owner is delinquent in the payment of any applicable real estate taxes.
§ 1. That Chapter 24, Article II, Division 8 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015) be and is hereby amended and reordained by adding therein a new section numbered 24-244.1 as follows:
Sec. 24-244.1 Permit not to be denied, suspended, or revoked solely because owner is delinquent on real estate taxes.
No permit applied for by an operator who is not the owner of the property on which the operator’s food or beverage service establishment is located shall be denied pursuant to Section 24-241(f) or suspended or revoked pursuant to Section 24-244(b)(1)(e) solely because such owner (and not such operator) is delinquent in the payment of any applicable real estate taxes.
§ 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon adoption.