To amend Ord. No. 96-37-71, adopted May 13, 1996, as previously amended by Ord. No. 2007-315-282, adopted Dec. 10, 2007, which authorized the special use of the properties known as 3300 to 3332 Cutshaw Avenue, for the purpose of the installation of three additional freestanding accessory satellite dish antennas, to permit a modification to the dimension requirements pertaining to omnidirectional and whip antennas, upon certain terms and conditions.
O & R Request
DATE: October 20, 2017 EDITION:|910|
TO: The Honorable Members of City Council
THROUGH: The Honorable Levar M. Stoney, Mayor
(This is no way reflects a recommendation on behalf of the Mayor.)
THROUGH: Selena Cuffee-Glenn, Chief Administrative Officer
THROUGH: Peter L. Downey, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Economic Development and Planning
FROM: Mark A. Olinger, Director, Department of Planning and Development Review
RE: To amend Ord. No. 96-37-71, adopted May 13, 1996, and last amended by Ord. No. 2007-315-282, adopted December 10, 2007, which authorized the special use of the properties known as 3300 to 3332 Cutshaw Avenue, for the purpose of the installation of three additional freestanding accessory satellite dish antennas, to allow a modification to the dimension requirements pertaining to omnidirectional and whip antennas, upon certain terms and conditions.
PURPOSE: To amend Ord. No. 96-37-71, adopted May 13, 1996, and last amended by Ord. No. 2007-315-282, adopted December 10, 2007, which authorized the special use of the properties known as 3300 to 3332 Cutshaw Avenue, for the purpose of the installation of three additional freestanding accessory satellite dish antennas, to allow a modification to the dimension requirements pertaining to omnidirectional and whip antennas, upon certain terms and conditions.
REASON: The current special use permit pertains to the radio and television tower located at 3300 to 3332 Cutshaw Avenue (the WTVR ...
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