To conditionally rezone the properties known as 111 Hull Street and a portion of 1 Hull Street from the RF-1 Riverfront District to the B-4C Central Business District (Conditional).
O & R Request
DATE: August 16, 2016 EDITION:|910|
TO: The Honorable Members of City Council
THROUGH: Dwight C. Jones, Mayor (by request)
(This in no way reflects a recommendation on behalf of the Mayor)
THROUGH: Selena Cuffee Glenn, Chief Administrative Officer
THROUGH: Peter L. Downey, Jr., Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Economic Development and Planning
FROM: Mark A. Olinger, Director, Dept. of Planning and Development Review
RE: To rezone the properties known as 111 Hull Street and a portion of 1 Hull Street from the RF-1 Riverfront District to the B-4C Central Business District (conditional).
PURPOSE: To rezone the properties known as 111 Hull Street and a portion of 1 Hull Street from the RF-1 Riverfront District to the B-4C Central Business District (conditional).
REASON: The current zoning of the subject property limits building height to six stories. The applicant has requested a rezoning to the B-4C Central Business District (conditional) in order to accommodate a development with a maximum building height of 16 stories (185 feet).
RECOMMENDATION: In accordance with the requirements of the City Charter and the Zoning Ordinance, the City Planning Commission will review this request and make a recommendation to City Council. This item will be scheduled for consideration by the Commission at its October 3, 2016, meeting. A letter outlining the Commission's recommendation will be forwarded to City Council following that meeting.
BACKGROUND: The subject property consists of a 1.71 acre (74,488 SF) parcel of land (111 Hull Street) improved with an abandoned industrial facility. The property is bound to the north by the James River flood wall, to the east by Diversity Park, to the west by other property of the Cit...
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