To amend Ord. No. 2015-73-84, adopted May 15, 2016, which adopted a General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 and made appropriations pursuant thereto, to transfer funds in the amount of $2,960,000 from that portion of the fund balance committed to the Revenue Stabilization and Contingency Policy as identified in the City's 2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, to appropriate $2,760,000 to the Finance agency, Risk Management program for the purpose of consummating the proposed resolution of the Cephas v. City of Richmond case by mutual agreement authorized by Res. No. 2016-R034, adopted May 23, 2016, and paying costs incidental thereto, and to appropriate $200,000 to the Human Resources agency for the purpose of conducting a Citywide review and revision of the City's job classification and compensation programs.