To amend section 21-4 of the City Code, concerning public procurement, for the purpose of revising the definition of emerging small business.
? 1. That section 21-4 of the Code of the City of Richmond (2015) be and is hereby amended and reordained as follows:
Sec. 21-4. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Best value, as predetermined in the solicitation, means the overall combination of quality, price, and various elements of required services that in total are optimal relative to the City's needs.
Business means any corporation, partnership, individual, sole proprietorship, joint stock company, joint venture or any other private legal entity.
Competitive negotiation means a method of contractor selection set forth in Section 21-67 or Section 21-68.
Competitive sealed bidding means a method of contractor selection set forth in Sections 21-47, 21-52, 21-54, and 21-55.
Construction means building, altering, repairing, improving or demolishing any structure, building, road, street or highway, and any draining, dredging, excavation, grading or similar work upon real property.
Construction management contract means a contract in which a party is retained by the City to coordinate and administer contracts for construction services for the benefit of the City, and may also include, if provided in the contract, the furnishing of construction services to the City.
Contract means all types of City agreements, regardless of what they may be called, for the procurement of goods, services, insurance or construction.
Contract modification/supplement means any written alteration in specifications, delivery point, rate of delivery, period of performance, price, quantity or other provision of any contr...
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