To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Lease Agreement between the City of Richmond, as tenant, and The Salvation Army, as landlord, for the purpose of leasing a portion of the property located at 1900 Chamberlayne Avenue for the operation of a resource center. (3rd District)
§ 1. That the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, be and is hereby authorized to execute a Lease Agreement between the City of Richmond, as tenant, and The Salvation Army, as landlord, for the purpose of leasing a portion of the property located at 1900 Chamberlayne Avenue for the operation of a resource center. The Lease Agreement shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney and shall be substantially in the form of the document attached to this ordinance.
§ 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon adoption.