To request that the Chief Administrative Officer consult with the Office of the City Attorney concerning the preparation of an amendment to a conservation and open-space easement on the property generally known as Bandy Field Park to the Friends of Bandy Field, Inc., for the purpose of adding the Capital Region Land Conservancy as a grantee to the Bandy Field conservation and open-space easement, and requesting that the Chief Administrative Officer to cause the planned, but not constructed streets that are currently excluded from the conservation easement to be extinguished, and incorporate these vacated rights-of-way into Bandy Field Park.
WHEREAS, the City, as owner of the property generally known as Bandy Field Park, granted, by Ordinance No. 2014-028-35, adopted March 24, 2014, a conservation and open-space easement in accordance with the Virginia Conservation Easement Act, Va. Code Ann. ?? 10.1-1009-10.1-1016 (Michie 2012 & Supp. 2013), and the Open-Space Land Act, Va. Code Ann. ?? 10.1-1700-10.1-1705 (Michie 2012 & Supp. 2013);
WHEREAS, upon the information and belief of the Council, the Friends of Bandy Field, Inc., have made the request to add the Capital Region Land Conservancy as a grantee to the conservation and open-space easement on the property generally known as Bandy Field Park; and
WHEREAS, upon the information and belief of Council, certain streets are planned for the property generally known as Bandy Field Park but not yet constructed and are currently excluded from the conservation easement and the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Community Facilities supports incorporation of these to be vacated rights-of-way into the Bandy Field Park; and
WHEREAS, the Council believes that it is in the best interests of the citizens of the City of Richmond that the Council request that the Chief Administrative Officer consult with the Office of the City Attorney concerning the preparation of an amendment to a conser...
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