To request that the Chief Administrative Officer cause all City department budget estimates submitted to the Department of Budget and Strategic Planning as part of the annual budget process to be posted to the City’s website.
WHEREAS, the Council believes that it is in the best interests of the citizens of the City of Richmond that the Council request that the Chief Administrative Officer cause all City department budget estimates submitted to the Department of Budget and Strategic Planning as part of the annual budget process to be posted to the City’s website;
That the Council requests that the Chief Administrative Officer cause all City department budget estimates submitted to the Department of Budget and Strategic Planning as part of the annual budget process to be posted to the City’s website.
That the Council requests that the Chief Administrative Officer cause the following to occur, in accordance with applicable law:
1. The posting of initial annual City department budget estimates submitted to the Department of Budget and Strategic Planning to the City’s website, within five business days after the Department of Budget and Strategic Planning’s receipt of each such estimate, for review by the public on such website through June 30 of the fiscal year for which the annual budget estimate has been submitted and through June 30 of the next four fiscal years thereafter.
2. The posting of all amendments to City department annual budget estimates, along with the initial estimates, to the City’s website, within five business days after the Department of Budget and Strategic Planning’s receipt of each such amended estimate, for review by the public on such website through June 30 of the fiscal year for which the amended annual budget estimate has been submitted and through June 30 of the next four fiscal years thereafter.
3. Notification by the Director of the Budget and Strategic Planning, or the designee thereof, to the Council, the Council Chief of Staff, and the City Clerk by electronic mail of the availability and provision of a hyperlink to the City website where all City department budget estimates and any amendments thereto may be accessed within one business day after the estimates or any amended estimates have been posted to the City’s website.