Meeting Name: Commission of Architectural Review Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/28/2016 3:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 5th Floor Conference Room of City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Action Summary Action Summary Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
CAR No. 2016-091 11 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness604 N. 22nd Street - Replace five windows on the front facadeapproved  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-093 12 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness614 N. 27th Street - Install a rear yard privacy fence and a balcony and 15 lite door on the second floor of the rear facadeapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-094 13 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2324 Monument Avenue - Replace in-kind an existing brick wall to include a vehicular gateapproved  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-095 14 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness818 N. 25th Street - Replace deteriorated siding with smooth, unbeaded, fiber cement sidingapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-096 15 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2800-2802 E. Franklin Street - In-kind repair and rehabilitation of the front porch and replacement of brick stairs with wooden stairsapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-090 16 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness3012 Monument Avenue - Install rooftop cellular antennas in a faux chimney structureapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-092 17 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness800 N. 22nd Street - Rehabilitate an existing home to include new fiber cement siding, windows, railings, deck, and fence and enclose an existing first floor porchpartially approved  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-099 18 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2312 Venable Street - Rehabilitate the structure to include installing fiber cement siding, repairing windows or installing new windows if necessary in existing openings, remove one 2nd floor door opening, and install two new doorsapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-100 19 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness507 N. 28th Street - Paint the body of a frame structure navy blue with ivory/cream trimdeny  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-102 110 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2908 E. Franklin Street - Construct a new single family dwellingapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-103 111 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness3000-3006 E. Franklin Street - Construct three attached single family dwellingsapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-104 112 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness303 Brook Road - Construct a rooftop addition at the rear of the structureapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-105 113 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness1331 E. Canal Street - Paint a mural on existing concrete retaining wallapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-106 114 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness11 W. Broad Street - Paint a mural on the rear facade of a brick buildingapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-107 115 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness708 N. Meadow Street - Paint a mural on a previously painted, brick, alley facing facadeapproved with conditions  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-097 116 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness508 W. Marshall Street - Construct a new single family dwellingconceptually reviewed  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-098 117 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness713 N. 24th Street - Demolish an existing attached single family home and construct a new single family homeconceptually reviewed  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-101 118 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness2230 Venable Street - Construct two new multifamily structure and rehabilitate an existing structure to include new windowsconceptually reviewed  Action details Not available
CAR No. 2016-077A 119 Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness1121 W. Franklin Street - Expansion of the education building for the Congregation Beth Ahabah and connection of the building to the temple building on the east and the Joel House on the westconceptually reviewed  Action details Not available